So first my Wyze Cam v3 was stuck on red light after multiple times turning on/off power button, I managed to turn it ON. It got connected to my wifi and I place it in my room labelling it as ‘Random Testing’
For the last 5 days it worked perfectly, recording was perfect on a 64gb sd card.
But once I restart it, it gets stuck again on the red Light.
So now I have discovered, it’s not restarting or is able to connect in one Go, I have to turn it ON/OFF multiple times to make it turn ON, anyone facing the same issue or got a solution?
Does it have the latest firmware? If so, have you tried a factory reset of the cam?
You can also manually reinstall the firmware (even if it is the same one) to see if it has been corrupted somehow.
It has the latest firmware, I will just attach a picture too. So I still have been working on it and discovered once it is restarted it won’t connect.
I have to press setup button a few times and then restart, then it connects and start working
Not sure what you meant by multiple times turning the power on and off. If you mean in the app, that shouldn’t matter.
At this point I would factory reset the cam and go through setup again. While you have the SD card out (required for factory reset), format it in a PC to make sure it is clean.
If the cam still has issues you might need to try doing a manual re-install of the firmware to see if that helps. It is possible the SD card is dying and that might be freezing up the cam too, so you can try without it installed and see if there is any difference.
You don’t have anything like wyze mini hacks installed on the SD card right? That is known to cause the symptoms you’re describing.