Wyze Cams - What MATTER(s)

This is likely to get me in trouble. I am not trying to start something. And I am not complaining. I am just trying to start a conversation about something before it becomes an issue for us.

I try to listen to the YT videos of several Smart Home advisors. One that I find is right on the money almost every time is Brian of Automate Your Life. One of his most recent videos. Briefly states that the Wyze cameras will not support the MATTER standard. I have not heard if this is a decision that Wyze made or the hardware/firmware simply will not work.

I don’t yet understand how this will affect me for the 12+ Wyze V2/V3 cameras that I use. But it looks like the future for IoT items is MATTER is the future.

Someone mentioned there’s an expensive license to use MATTER and some companies may not be able to pay those fees. Could be accurate.

I don’t think Wyze would whither and die on the vine. So, I would predict Wyze will soon or relatively soon announce a Wyze Cam V4. I hope so. I like their products. I want to keep using them. But I am cautious, because its my money I am spending.

Welcome a discussion. And I am not critical of Wyze. I do want the best for the company.

[Mod Note]: Topic moved to this category for better visibility and consistency in grouping similar topics.


I guarantee you’re not getting in any trouble for this kind of thread. This kind of discussion is very welcome, and beneficial IMO, especially when it’s an honest discussion like this.

I like Brian too. :slight_smile:

This is partially a misunderstanding about Matter…I’ll explain in a moment. First, if you haven’t done so yet, read this thread, starting here:

And read all the comments made by WyzeFrederik through the rest of that thread so that you have an understanding of where Wyze is at on the Matter initiative. He is Wyze’s POC on the Matter initiative.

This is true. It is a proprietary standard with an opensource repository, but the specification is licensed by the CSA so you have to pay to play. Become a Member | The Future of IOT - CSA-IOT
Pay to Play Cost Summary:

Some relevant quotes from WyzeFrederik about Matter are as follows:

Regarding Cameras with Matter:

This echos what Brian from automate your life said about Matter Version 1.0:

So it’s not really that “WYZE CAMS” Aren’t supported, but at the moment, NO CAMS are supported in version 1.

It’s possible Wyze cams could be in the future, but don’t count on it for the V2’s since they have such limited resources. Maybe the V3’s (depending on what is developed by the alliance…nobody knows yet because it doesn’t exist for cams) and probably future cams should support it though. Here is some relevant discussion on that:

Basically, we probably have to wait for Matter to develop a little further first. Perhaps we’ll get lucky and @Frederik will give an update, but I am guessing he doesn’t have much to add to what he’s already said until later this year after the version 1 launches and we see how that goes. As for cameras, I doubt he can say anything about that until the Alliance develops the possibility for cameras to work with Matter. Since that doesn’t exist with 1.0, it’s almost pointless to discuss how it relates to cams at this point since nobody has a clue yet.

I hope that helps answer some questions at least :+1: I am very interested in and following up on this too.


@carverofchoice, Carver, In least amount of words and do not adequately express, - thank you very much for the help with my initial and with an explanation. Hope, nuff said. Acknowledge you invested a lot of energy into that explanation too.


Aww, thanks, this what us volunteers are here for to help with, and I appreciate the gratitude. :+1: It is good to know when people appreciate it.


Great topic and conversation. :+1:

I moved your topic to the Integration category as your subject’s focus is Matter integration.


Thank you. For what its worth, it was a coin toss between Cams and Integration. Cams won, because I was thinking I wasn’t talking about all their products, just cams.


As Matter gets closer to a mature state, more users will share the same concerns as you bring to this topic. Again, good stuff! thumbsup2


Heck, it’s already your personal highest rated topic:


Or at least the one with the most likes, almost double your previous record holder.

Don’t be surprised if that number goes up dramatically by the end of the year After Matter 1.0 is officially launched and this subject is on lots of people’s minds like Seapup said. You made a good post. Far from “getting in trouble.”


Me? You’se talking to me? (De Niro, - Taxi) Oh gosh, shucks. Not little old me.

I didn’t even know you folks kept track of stuff like that.


You been Dubbed

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Wyze’s VP of Product just posted a lot of New Info related to Matter in the latest Wyze AMA. You can read a summary here:

Here are some of the best excerpts that apply here:

There are also several other comments which are indirectly talking about his strategies, many of which will be involving things like Matter in some way, so I highly recommend reviewing everything he said.

But in general, he confirmed that MATTER is “super strategic” for Wyze that they will “continue to invest in MATTER” and they will be participating in the group developing the camera category for MATTER, as well as confirming that their first MATTER supported device will be released in just a few months. Also, it sound like it is unlikely that current devices will have the resource minimums (flash memory and RAM) to qualify for MATTER.


As a user that is going through the Insteon debacle, I’m going to state that I’m not sure how much additional items I’m willing to invest in a closed loop system again. I’ve been doing this since the days of X10 and Radio Shack so I’ve seen a few come and go. Insteon bit the hardest and the new model they are forcing is not sitting well with me.
Just some insights that I’m sure we have all thought about but putting it here for not only Wyze to see but others that follow these types of items.

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I’m trying to weave my way through this info. Bottom line seems to be, If you want all your devices integrated through the MATTER system, you will need to buy all new Wyze products?

Yes, that’s most likely what will happen, although for some devices you may just need a new hub. Like it seems like the matter integration would go into the sense or WCO hubs, or VDBpro chime

That’s too bad. When that time comes, I will be seriously re-evaluating if I want to stay in the Wyze ecosystem. If upgrading systems requires complete new purchases, this may not be a company I believe in as far as their strategic vision.

I think this is gunna be the case for many many devices. The $25 hardware in the cam cannot support the new stuff needed for matter. Many companies devices are gunna have the bare minimum in them, and I’m sure they are gunna need to be replaced as well. Not saying that’s the case for everyone, but probably most.

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Let’s not get to far ahead and board the obsolete product train yet. Chances are good that the Wyze cameras will continue to work for many years. I think the days of a $19.95-ish camera are gone. And our expectations for what a camera will do have grown too. Would be nice to have a built-in RSTP feature like some cheap cameras are offering, right? Well, I believe, we can depend on the next gen Wyze camera to have enough internal memory to run regular, support RSTP and be MATTER compliant all at the same time.

Other companies, other manufacturers are also going to go through the growing pains. In the meantime, our already purchased cameras are still working, correct? :slight_smile:


Looks like it might be a good reason to hold off on any further purchases until the Matter-verse is a bit more clear, as well as Wyze’s direction with current and future products.

I was all in with the V3 Cams due to RTSP firmware being made available, and that’s been abandoned… I’m not holding my breath for a “Matter” solution in the near future (especially when Camera’s are not a part of Matter v1.0.)

Once Wyze has a new camera on the market that speaks “Matter”… and 3rd party software starts appearing that is “Matter” compliant (aka… ONVIF / RTSP)… then we can all live in harmonious happiness, and I’ll be able to view all of my New V4 or V5 Cams on any Matter compliant device!..

I’ll just need to pay for a Cam Matter Pro Plus Premium subscription to make it all work :slight_smile:

Then again, no further purchases of anything Wyze for me until Landscape View for Tablets is a real thing and not just listed on the Wishful thinking list.



Yeah, I think I’m in the same boat about getting more cameras. The plan was to invest in several Cam Outdoor V.2s, but I’d rather not sink $300+ right before a major upgrade (MATTER) that will allow me to turn on any lightbulb/plug/lock in a different ecosystem. I’m willing to pay a bit more for the Cam V.3 Pro type features, such as edge-based person/package detection. I’ve become a strong believer in Wyze’s camera product development since their Starlight night vision blew me away. None of the other cameras come close to that night image quality.

I’m a little wary of Wyze’s non-camera type products since I got burned on their plugs with their atrocious range and frequent outages (Even when right next to the router), and also their original door contacts which died after their original battery was replaced, along with a few other devices.