Same here. The website had it 5 minutes early when I ordered. Mine still says it hasn’t arrived at the FedEx facility. /sigh
When should i get my wyze cam v3 i ordered it on the 12th
Same. I was all excited to see the email stating your order has shipped! But now its still sitting there saying ready to go and it will update once Fedex receives the package… Meanwhile reading about other people who already received them or a scheduled to receive them in the coming days.
I know right i ordered mine the 12th and still haven’t got a email or anything i dont know why
I ordered on 10/27 but mine hasn’t shipped yet, nor has a label been created.
Mine also 10/27. Shipping in November…crickets…
Finally got an update! It’s in FedEx’s possesion and scheduled for Wednesday the 25th delivery now
And just like that, mine updated, now in the hands of FedEx with a scheduled delivery of Sunday 11/22, which is kind of surprising but we’ll see.
Still haven’t got any update on mine yet.
I ordered 2 on 10/28 and my order status is still “pre-order”. These are my first foray into Wyze and my first cameras (though I am also waiting on the thermostat!) and I am anxious to play with them! I know I am supposed to get an email, but I log into my account every couple of days to check. And hearing that people are getting them shipped out (and it looks like some people should have actually received them by now) is making me more excited and impatient!!
Nice. FedEx is really hosing me. My coworker and I ordered the same day. Mine shipped out a day after his. He’s already received his… mine is scheduled for delivery on Dec 3rd!!! Delivered to the same town! Ugh…
damn, that’s messed up…I wouldn’t be surprised if yours was updated & delivered sooner, that just doesn’t sense.
Now it’s 2021… Between the fact that they ignore that we’d prefer all black mat cameras, they willy nilly their way through the shipping as if they’ve no idea how ETAs work…
I’m not sure what you’re complaint is about the shipping. They’ve began shipping them out, as original promised. If you ordered when they first came out, they’re shipping now (November)… if you missed out on that original batch, and it said “shipping in December”, then yours should ship in December. If you order today, it won’t ship until January. They’re not retroactively changing the shipping timeframes for those that have already ordered. It’s reflecting the shipping timeframe for new orders.
Well some people here indicated that they had ordered in December and had already gotten notification of shipping.
ordered in Dec? ummm, ok
Didn’t realize that they weren’t capable of having enough on hand. Must be a cash crush.
Probably because it’s a pre-order 1st production limited run paid for by the pre-orders.
I also ordered on 10/29/20 around 11am central time. I was told it would be December before they are shipped out? I haven’t received a email, but spoke with a customer service agent. She was reluctant to give me that information. We should get get 6m’s of Cam plus for as many V3’s we ordered that doesn’t make the deadline as promised.