I just want to be upfront that the correct answer to this question is not available to me…so I just said to power another Wyze cam…
The correct answer is that I use a splitter to power another Wyze camera AND another Eufy camera.
and there was no option to say “Both Wyze and another device too”
I have also considered doing the same thing in another locations and using the USB port to power a non-camera device. But again, it was not possible to clarify all of that, so I just said another Wyze cam, which is also accurate, but missing context.
If the above didn’t make it obvious I do LOVE having an extra USB port on the Floodlight. I definitely use it to the max for sure. It is worth the $5 to me, but I am sure a lot of people would prefer to have it $5 cheaper.
This is a great question. If a floodlight had something similar to a fish-eye lens that basically covered every direction well, maybe a USB port wouldn’t be needed for an extra camera for most people, since I’m sure most people use the USB port to have another camera cover recording in another direction. The main reason I could see it still being beneficial is for a situation like it is advertised for if you check out this picture, the secondary camera can look at things on the other side of the wall:
So even if the floodlight has a super wide field of view to cover a full 180 degrees or used a pan cam or something to see in every direction, it still can’t see anything around the corner like the extra USB port allows in the above picture. That is where another USB port is still really beneficial.
Also, I don’t want to dissuade you from including USB ports…but I believe in redundancy…Wyze is my absolute primary ecosystem hands down…but lets face it, sometimes there are some AWS outages outside of your control, or there could be a server issue, or whatever. I’m not complaining, that’s life, it happens. BUT I like to have a back-up system ready in the most important areas for those rare situations. So, in the rare instances where my Wyze cams are down due to Amazon’s fault, it is nice to have an Eufy cam, or another brand not using the same AWS servers to back you up when critically needed. That is what I use the USB Port for…redundancy and protection for the rare occasions it’s needed. That is why I appreciate having it, even IF the floodlight could see everything I need it to all on it’s own.