Wyze Cam v3 Firmware Beta Test 1/27/2025

Wyze Cam v3 Beta Firmware


What’s New:

  • Security improvements
  • Fixed a bug that caused the device to lose Internet connection
  • Fixed a bug that caused microSD card recordings to skip the first minute of the hour
  • Fixed a bug that caused event uploading success rate decreases
  • Fixed a bug that caused log files to fail to upload

Updated 8 out of too-many-to-count as a test. Will update additional cams tomorrow night if all goes well.

@WyzeBaohua - please note that v3 beta version number should read

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Like the previous beta, I can confirm this latest beta firmware for Cam V3 will not automatically restart itself when the internet is out for more than 30 minutes. Therefore, microSD playback footage on the Wyze app should be fine.

As per the changelog, I can confirm this latest beta fixed connection issue on the previous beta when the router reboots.


Sorry I made a typo in the post. Thank you for pointing out that!


No problem at all. :+1:

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I bulk updated all my six cameras two days ago and no issues so far.


Ok, i updated all 8 of my V3s, all seams to be working, rebuted my router, and all stayed stabel connection. Appears that this update fixed the issue in last one with the connection issue. Will update if i find anything not working correctly.

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Does it fix the person detection filter button in the events tab? Android, cam plus lite

Nope. It’s a app software issue and it’s still broken on Android Wyze app It’s been a issue ever since they redesigned the Event Filters on Android Wyze app back in August 2024.

So far I don’t see any indication from Wyze that this will ever be fixed. There has been no acknowledgement from Wyze and I think they don’t even want to bother to spend resources to fix it especially for Cam Lite based on the current direction they are headed to.

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2 cams: Status unknow after attempting the firmware update:

Power Cycle did not help

Update from SD card? Normal firmware or this specific beta? Is the bate available for downloading?

Normal firmware manual update: purple light then no light. Power cycle: red light then no light Cameras are still bricked. Any solution???

Reseted again, reflashed again, installed normal Wyze app, removed camera from list, restarted (unplug routers) still cannot connect: CONNECTION TIME OUT!

Any solution, got 2 cameras bricked after attempting updating firmware.