It stopped recognizing the SD card so I tried another one, which also doesn’t work, and I noticed there are no status LED lights working either. The settings show that the status lights should be on. The weird thing is that the camera feed works just fine and it always connects like normal when I look at the feed.
Things I’ve tried:
-Unplug it/turn it off and on
-Reformat SD card: I’ve tried ExFAT and Fat32 with a smaller 2GB card and two different 128GB cards (with cards that work fine in my other V3’s)
-Use a different cable and different power block, and different outlet
-Removing and re-adding the device to the Wyze App
-“Reset Services” and “Restart Camera” in the Wyze App
-Firmware is up to date
-Factory Reset by unplugging it, taking out the card and holding down the Setup button while plugging it back in. I hold it for up to 20s (tried 6s, 10s etc) and the camera makes some clicking sounds but after a long time no status lights come on and it doesn’t factory reset. Sometimes it will say “Ready to Connect” after 20s or so.
-Manual firmware update by formatting an SD card and downloading the firmware manually, making sure the folder is named correctly and putting it in the camera while off, turning it on while holding the setup button-- again, no status LEDs, nothing happens (same result as “Factory Reset” procedure).
So basically…the camera feed works fine and I can see the video in the app, but I cannot get it to read an SD card (it used to originally) and it doesn’t show the status LEDs or factory reset.
Bricked or what do you think?