Wyze Cam v3 and WebRTC

Does the firmware in the Wyze Cam v3 implement WebRTC?

If Yes:

  • how do I know my Wyze Cam v3 implements it and what version?
  • how do I access it? Ideally (if possible) I’d like to stream to YouTube Live Stream (for a birdcam).

If No:

  • What are the plans for WebRTC?

Thank you.

It will be coming soon to v3, Outdoor Cam, and Video Doorbell.

From this week’s Wyze Newsletter:

Faster load times and better streaming for Wyze Cam with WebRTC

In the last few months, we’ve been switching cameras to a new streaming protocol called WebRTC, which is basically just a faster way to load and stream video with extremely low latency. It favors real-time video exchange over video completeness, which means if your wifi signal is low, it will lower the video quality before showing a spinning buffer wheel. Other benefits include better syncing of audio to video and more seamless integrations with platforms outside of the Wyze app.

With the change, Google Home and Alexa devices will see big improvements (not including Chromecast, yet). The streams should load faster with almost zero latency, which makes it even better for monitoring activities like using your cameras as a baby cam. It also removes the 10-minute stream limitation!

WebRTC is now deployed on all v2 and Pan cameras. It will be coming soon to v3, Outdoor Cam, and Video Doorbell.

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Thank you for the reply. It is very useful. I notice Chromecast support. So if I have a chromecast hooked to my TV, I can watch the camera? I need to learn more about webrtc…

I believe this can be done only with RTSP. webRTC is something completely separate. although I can see them being confused easily enough.

I do not use RTSP so I don’t have a tutorial on how to set up the stream to something like YouTube, but I have read about others that have attempted this.

they haven’t posted the changelog yet for the beta firmware that was just released for the v3, I suspect it might add webRTC

Thank you for the reply. I have gotten RTSP to work with a Rasp Pi streaming to YouTube. My thing with RTSP is I did not want to go off the Wyze Firmware to an older build. WebRTC seemed interesting because I saw some posts using it to stream audio/video.

I’ll be looking forward to playing with it when they do!

Can I safely assume that WebRTC is the Wyze response to the often requested ability to watch Wyze cameras on a PC? As stated above, not available yet for V3 cameras. I only have two of my 18 V2 cameras that DON’T have RTSP firmware, but those two do have the latest beta firmware. However I certainly will test WebRTC on those two cameras. Heck, I might even revert a couple others from RTSP back to normal firmware…

I think it definitely may be a step towards that. I think it was also to fix the streaming issue to Google Hubs. My guess is it should help in many areas

Anyone have any idea how to make use of the WebRTC on the V2 cameras? Assuming the V3 will be similar when it becomes available.

Wondering the same thing, trying to figure it out.

What’s the deal with “Chromecast not yet”?
Chromecast supports WebRTC already.

I’m using my Wyze cam pan as a baby cam and stream it onto my TV via Chromecast.

I’d really like to know when will the 10 min limit go away?

According to Wyze, when they switch to WebRTC


How soon is soon? I’m looking forward to this feature for the wyze cam v3

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Any update on when Cam V3 will support WebRTC?

Any update on the Cam v3 with WebRTC???

Also looking to see if there’s an update here. I saw the latest firmware has WebRTC for audio, but I suspect we’re waiting on the Video stream as the major component here.

Nothing official yet. I played around a month or two ago with trying to get WebRTC to work with either BlueIris or VLC, and either V2 (with or without RTSP firmware) or V3 cameras and was unsuccessful. We’ve had a firmware update or two since, and I have a fairly quiet weekend, so might play around some more…


Soon has been told for ages. If you have it on V2, why should it take so long for v3? Just add it already?

I bought 4 cams recently and thought webrtc was supported, now thinking of refund them all if i can’t get some answer and timeline from you guys


RTSP was released in September 2021…