Wyze cam feed on Windows?

I’m sure this has been asked before (I’m new to the forum and can’t find it) but is there a way to access the stream on Windows? Using my phone is handy and all, but there are some times when that doesn’t work well… any suggestions welcome!

Welcome to the community @Goofball!

There is, but please note that this is in Beta testing right now and a Cam Plus license is require. Another area of notation, the Wyze Outdoor Camera is not supported for the Web View.


I haven’t had mine work yet for the web view. It just spins.

I’m seeing the same thing here, but hopefully they’re working out the kinks.

Also, if you want more alternate ideas and have a few days to kill…

I am able to view the stream from all my original Wyze Cams, but not the Wyze Cam v3, for some unknown reason :slight_smile:

Cool feature though! Glad i noticed this forum thread :smiley: