Updated firmware for 6 V2s and 1 Pan Cam to 4.X.6.207. Keeping 4 V2s on for comparison in the next few days. Updated the detection zones from the earlier type,
Needed to switch off then on for the detection zone before could clear the previous rectangular detection zone. Is that expected behavior?
Will observe the firmware 4.X.6.207.
I love the custom detection grid for the fixed cameras. For the Pan Cam, it is totally useless, just as the old detection zone was. Each Pan set point should have its own detection zone, or be able to be disabled for certain views. Each of my views has some continuous motion that I want to mask out, but it’s not all in the same place. Even if just one view could have a detection zone, while the rest ignore motion, it would be more useful than it is now, where you can’t combine detection zones with pan-scan.
Update one V2 and one pan which I’m testing on. The V2 is working and recording fine. The Pan I can watch live but it is not recording to the cloud at all. Maybe I have to fiddle around with the settings a bit more but I even jumped up and down in front of the Pan for 24 seconds and it did not upload to the cloud. It was working fine before then.
I take that back I had the sensitivity levels too low so had to adjust. Now it seems to work ok.
I feel like I need to be pretty aggressive when blocking off areas and need to block off extra adjacent squares.
I “think” if the green motion tracking box ever extends into a grid that is turned on it can trigger a recording? The green tracking box can get pretty big at times.
Here is an example of a false alert and what I have turned on/off
My sensitivity is fairly high because im trying to catch people walking in front/past the gate which the camera will miss sometimes with all the fence and plants.