A definite improvement with the exclusion zone, I got only three detections within the zone on my pool cam today, I dropped the sensitivity from 55 to 50 and that seems to haven’t cured it completely. We’ll see how it goes tomorrow, it’s going to be windy.
Did .213 blow away custom exclusion/detection zones? I’m on IOS 2.15.13(4). Noticed after V2 .213 update today that custom exclusion/detection zones disappeared on my cameras
That’s not right… They should definitely be there and working better than before… Weird… But I’m on Android and only share to the iPhone, so it never had those settings anyway.
So, after the install of 213 fw and 15.16 app yesterday, initially it looked like the detection of movement within the exclusion zone was fixed… Or at least a lot better. This lasted pretty much all day, today, this afternoon actually the cameras were back to detecting movement well within the exclusion zone, maybe not quite as badly as before, but still very frequently.
Just updating…