Wyze Cam Unlimited Pro - Issues and experience so far

I wanted to create a post to detail a few things I’ve found while using the new service in hopes to hear what others are seeing.

  • Notifications vs. Descriptive Alerts.
    This confused me at first. If you turn on Descriptive Alerts for a Camera or Doorbell, it replaces the default notifications you used to get when “person detected” occurred at your doorbell. It adds emoji’s and some “opinions” of what is sees in the notification header and description. Calling my cat loud and describing my garage as cluttered are some examples. The alerts are fast and responsive. They do a very very good job of describing what they see. I am an immediate fan of this feature. Basic events are still being logged as usual in the Event Log. And so are Descriptive Alerts. They are always being logged if the feature is enabled on a camera.

  • ISSUE - Notifications - ALL OR NOTHING. I thought if I had Pet Smart Detection set to Record the Event but not Notify of the event, that Descriptive A.I. would ignore Pet or Person events. If you have Notifications on for a camera that uses Descriptive Alerts, if a Descriptive Alert occurs, it pushes me a notification. I have to mute that camera to stop it. I can’t curate it quite yet. All or nothing.

  • ISSUE - My Battery Cam Pro’s are NOT using Descriptive Alerts right now. I’ve walked in front of them. Reset Services, pulled the battery… nothing.

  • My v2, v3, v3 pro, v4’s, v3 Pan, Doorbell Pro and V2 Doorbell are all using Descriptive Alerts very well. I don’t have any other models to test.

  • I have all cameras MUTED in each Profile (Disarmed, Home, Away) in Monitoring as a troubleshooting step. I don’t use that feature anyway.

  • ISSUE - You can’t modify Home Monitoring door chime sounds. I’m hoping this is coming the future with Home Security?

  • The descriptive alerts are GREAT! A+ But accessing them is clunky. The accuracy is not 100% (but neither are humans). It’s leaps and bounds better than the default Wyze engine that I’ve used for 7 years. MUCH better. That detection is “dead to me”. I only want Descriptive Alerts in my life!

  • You can only filter on 1 camera or ALL cameras when sorting through the History of Descriptive Alerts. It needs a way to integrate into the overall view? Feature request. Make A.I. Events the “default” events using the same timeline view as what we’ve already been using. I prefer the descriptive alerts 100% now. Managing the information and tuning how it comes at you will be important as this grows.

  • NOTE: I got my first Friendly Face A. I. event where it named me doing something. Friendly Faces doesn’t always work when I think it should but all the same, it was pretty cool. If you are into Orwellian things that is…

  • ISSUE - The management of the Descriptive Alert feature is weird. I understand what it is doing now in terms of check boxes. But what the picture shows below is the PUSH notification is enabled for my Doorbell and the “feature” is enabled for my Doorbell. So the Descriptive Alert push notifications replace the default event push notifications in terms of what gets sent to my phone. Although, the default events are still being logged as normal in the event log. If I click the checkbox for “Enable” next to the Star checkbox… to try to “disable” the push notification on the doorbell but keep the feature running in the background, it ignores the click and nothing happens. You have to turn off notifications for the camera in another spot in the app. That’s fine. but is weird if you don’t know what is happening.

  • ISSUE - Sharing with Family - A Family Member has no way to go back and look at Descriptive Alert History. My wife likes all the new Descriptive Alerts too but the notifications are often cut off and they are kind of useless to her in a way. She only receives the initial push notification and then it’s lost. Feature Request: Family Accounts for shared management. Add $20 a year (extra) for each member of the family to join. Take my money please.

  • Dark Mode - Get it done. Stop adding new white screens. 2025 is the year of being in the Dark. Go now and do.

  • https://my.wyze.com - does NOT have access to Descriptive Alerts. Just the default events and live view as usual.

  • I think that’s it for now. I will add more as I press buttons and break it.


This is a FANTASTIC review @Earl.Automation
Best I’ve seen so far.
I had VERY similar thoughts when I used it.

I especially agree that they should make the Descriptive Alerts respect the other notification filter settings such as if you have person notifications toggled, then you should still only get a notification when a person is detected in the event and not be forced to get notifications for all motion, including when there is no person involved. I don’t like the all or nothing side of it right now. I hope they add to that soon.

The rest of your observations were excellent too. :+1: Well done.

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this is very helpful. As Carver said, fantastic! thank you! I look forward to reading further comments from yourself and others.

I plan to give it a try soon.

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I’m happy to report my Battery Cam Pro’s are using Descriptive Alerts! I put some screenshots below.

So far so good with the service. Really just need a way to go through the events better. But I’m very happy with the Descriptive Alerts as Alerts. They cut through the noise of notifications. I wish they were consistently the “tiny” version where you can read the entire description in the “toast” notification (I think that’s what it’s called). The cut off version is … for lack of a better term, annoying. I like the emoji summary a lot, that is a good idea. But I want to see the full description in the toast notification.

Even if you have to cut characters. But I doubt you have to from the tiny ones I’ve seen.

Here are some scary descriptions that I have from my backyard cameras.