Wyze Cam Pan v3 stucking at ceiling Fan

I have been reading few last posts and there was a discussion on Pan v2 being stuck on ceiling fan. I have been facing the same problem but with Pan v3 and I have tried the detection zone and literally everything. Does anyone have a solution?
I am gonna try attach image and video if it let’s me.
Thanks in advance

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Detection zone is basically useless when you have pan/scan or track motion enabled. All it accomplishes is giving the cam a “home” position to return to, but if it is stuck looking at a ceiling fan constantly moving, it won’t return home.

You may need to resort to just using pan/scan without track motion, but that will still log an event every time it views the fan (unless you make sure it never sees that when setting your waypoints). Or as mentioned in the other thread you replied to, setting up something to physically block the view of the ceiling fan from the cam.

There is a wishlist topic to also have a “track motion zone” but has not gained any traction. As of now there is no way to limit where it tracks motion or tell it to ignore anything.

I have tried by even setting waypoints, I have a similar Pan v3 at a different location at it works perfectly, even if it detects the fan or any motion it will record that and come back to the original waypoint.
But the cam I have mentioned doesn’t return to it’s designated waypoint. That’s why I am trying to find a solution for it.
The whole Point of Pan rotating Cam is to cover 2 angles but once it get stucks on the fan it doesn’t move back and it’s been very annoying

I wonder if the settings are completely identical for both cameras. I also wonder how much the view angle and distance (i.e., where the camera is located in relation to the fan), fan size, fan speed, or any other number of variables differs between the two cameras. I think that’s where I’d initially focus on this.

If you have track motion on, it will track the fan even if you have waypoints. Motion takes priority over waypoints when you have both pan/scan and motion tracking enabled. It will only go back to scanning when the motion stops.

Turn off track motion, and it will scan the waypoints without stopping for motion.