Is there any way to configure the Cam Pan v3 to ignore a ceiling fan? It seems to stay “focused” on the ceiling fan and is missing other activity.
Yes… turn off the pixels that show the fan under the settings for “Detection Setting/Detection Zone”.
I have a waypoint set and when tracking someone’s motion that goes towards the fan, the camera starts tracking the fan. Enabling detection zone is not an acceptable fix and does not work because when you enable the detection zone, that view becomes the default position and overides the set waypoints.
What is needed is the ability to disable the pixels when the camera is pointed in that view angle. If a waypoint is set with tracking is enabled and the camera begins tracking someone, at the angle when the camera moves towards the fan, there needs to be a setting in the app to disable the pixels. The app and camera should be able to store into memory the angle the camera is pointing and ignore those pixels while in that position.
I need this help as well. I have set the way points, and use this camera to moniter both in and out of my home for dogs. I have set the detection area to exclude the upper right corner that is the fan, but the camera will sit there and not move. It wont pan, it just tracks the fan. If I tell it to go to another way point, it will go right back to the fan on the internal way point.
I believe you have to play with both detection zone and Detection Settings, in particular motion detection setting. ON my stationary cameras V3/V4, I have it set to about 20. This will let general motion be detected but not trigger a detection event.
My example is that at the front door, nearby trees cast a lot of shadows and with the wind and branches moving, they will trigger motion events constantly as the shadows are casted right inside the target detection zone I have. Setting Detection sensitivity to 20 allows for humans/pets to be detected and labeled while trees moving and shadows changing are seen as motion (green boxes around the area where motion is detected) but they won’t trigger an event on their own.
I’m having the same issue. There is one waypoint set that points at the door in the room, and the detection zone only monitors the immediate area around the door. When someone enters the room, the camera then pans and follows them, which is exactly what I want.
But if it points up enough to see the ceiling fan it becomes totally obsessed with that motion and never goes back to pointing at the door. The only way to keep it from fixating on the fan is to turn the motion sensitivity way down, and then it misses people coming in the room.
I think the only solution is to not use a pan cam and use a fixed cam.
No one ever bothered to answer. I moved my cameras around, and you are right, The fixed camera doesn’t get stuck on the fan. Downfall to the PanCam in back it isn’t fast enough to track my dogs.
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