My Wyze Cam Pan v2 just randomly stopped working. In the app, it showed the offline error. The cam is stuck on a red light.
I bought it on clearance at a Fred Meyer only 6 months ago. I’ve got many other Wyze cams and I’m very familiar with them.
I’ve tried to power cycle multiple times. I tried to reset, nothing happens (it doesn’t reset). I tried to power cycle, no difference. I tried a different power cord (was using what it came with).
You didn’t mention which app and firmware versions you’re using, and sometimes that information can be helpful in offering troubleshooting suggestions, but what happens if you attempt a factory reset and/or try to flash the firmware with a microSD card?
Also, what happens if you grab a fresh copy of your settings from the server? Sometimes corrupt data in a local profile seems to be the cause of weird problems.
This is how I would get a clean copy of my account profile/settings on Android (click/tap to expand):
Clear the in-app cache: From the Wyze app’s home screen, navigate to Account ➜ App Settings ➜ Cache File Size ➜ Clear.
Navigate back one screen to Account and tap Log Out at the bottom.
Swipe the Wyze app out of the running Android apps.
Long-press on the Wyze app’s launcher icon (on the phone’s home screen or wherever you tap to initially open the app) and then tap App info in the pop-up menu.
Tap Force stop on the App info screen (may need to tap OK to confirm) and then tap Storage & cache.
Tap Clear cache and Clear storage on the Storage screen.
Back up one screen (back to App info) and then tap Open and proceed to log back into your Wyze account/app. (Optionally reboot the phone at this step for good measure and then launch the Wyze app after the fresh boot instead of relaunching it immediately from this screen.)
Note: I don’t know what the options would be for modifying these steps on iOS since I don’t use that platform.
Thanks for your response, I did try a factory reset it doesn’t do anything, I hold the setup button for 10+ seconds and nothing happens. In terms of firmware, I remove the device from my app already hoping that somehow that was what was causing it to not allow me to reenter setup mode so I cannot give the firmware model but it was whatever the most recent firmware was as I am pretty good about updating them.
I will try the other two things though and report back
Remove the SD card and hold the setup button longer, up to 30 seconds. Some of them take quite a while to go into factory reset.
Also keep in mind over time the setup button may require a harder press as the contacts can get dirty and oxidize a bit. Yours isn’t that old, but was it outside? If so you may have to use something pointy to really press in the setup button.
You can try manually updating the latest firmware (even if it is the same, it will overwrite it in case it got corrupt). @crease gave the link on how to do that.
If all else fails and you have the receipt, it is within the 1 year warranty so they should either replace it or give you a credit toward a Panv3 (not sure if they still have any v2s).