Wyze Cam Outdoor support

My main problem is that my 2 Wyze Cam Outdoor do not display events. I have 3 other indoor Wyze cams that record events. The cameras are set for motion detection. They show live feed normally. I do not have any automations that might be turning them off. The other problem is that with regularity, one or both of the cameras go offline. I have to reset the base station to get them to come online again. It seems that Wyze has discontinued the Cam Outdoor, does that mean that they are not supporting them any longer?

WCO version 1 or version 2?
Do you have Cam Plus Lite/Cam Plus/ Cam Unlimited ?
Is the base connected via ethernet or on wifi ?
Signal at the cam ?
I have four version one cams and they record events every day. The movement in the PIR area works best when it is side to side not straight at or away from the camera.

I got these in November 2022, so I think V1. The base is connected by Ethernet. I get full 3 bars of signal reported by the app. I am a Cam Unlimited subscriber.

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