My Wyze Cam OG worked fine for many months. But lately it suddenly blares the following over its speaker… “Factory reset. Ready to connect.” The red light is flashing.
I have tried everything to fix it.
I’ve held the setup bottom 10 Dec and then successfully set the cam up back online……but it only last for minutes or a day before saying “Factory reset. Ready to connect.”
I’ve also, deleted the Cam using the Wyze app on my iPhone….and then gone through the usual setup to install it again. But within minutes……it fails again and saying the same thing I’ve quite above.
I held the Setup button nonstop for about 3 minutes. The OG responded by saying "factory reset, ready to connect. It repeated this approx every 15-20 seconds.
I suspect that the setup button is defective. It may be almost" on" and depending on environmental factors is moved to “on” (theory).
If you look at the Setup button is it in anyway deformed? You might try unplugging the cam and then exercising the button 10 or so times. If that fixes it great. If not you might want to get a warranty replacement.
This is exactly my initial thought, as well, without attempting the testing you described. Good on you for trying it yourself and reporting your testing!
If I was in @BillH7’s situation and inside a year from purchase (stipulating that the purchase was from Wyze or an authorized retailer), then I’d go ahead and open a ticket to do this, anyway. I’d restate the attempted troubleshooting in the ticket, because I’ve found that this can sometimes be a shortcut if the right Wyze Wizard reads the ticket (they know you’ve already done the stuff that they would normally tell you to do), so they might just offer to replace it and advise you to recycle the problematic unit, which essentially means you can keep it.
Hello again. I’ve tried everything suggested. I made sure the setup button did not look weird or stuck, etc. I unplugged the OG and exercised the “setup” button by pressing it numerous times. Plugged it back in. I had already “deleted” the device from my Wyze app so I continued by treating it like I was setting up a “new” OG device. As soon as I plugged it in….it repeats the same thing as before “factory reset. Ready to connect”. Now the problem is worse as it fails to even pair….sometimes says Bluetooth error other times doesn’t, but won’t pair. I get as far as selecting my Network, but then it fails pairing. So now I can’t even get the OG connected at all. I have another OG cam that works fine (bought in Nov 2023) and I have a v3 cam that works fine. I’m pretty sure the OG that’s not working is older than a year old, so it’s not even under warranty. I don’t know what else to do to fix it……and think it’s a lost cause……just irretrievably broken. Guess I will buy a new Wyze cam soon. Thank you to all who responded to my request for help and your ideas to try fixing it. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you.
When I’ve experienced this with other IoT devices, the way I usually get over the hump is turning off the 5 GHz Wi-Fi radio/SSID on my wireless access point so that the phone I’m using for setup is forced onto the 2.4 GHz band. That’s the only other thing I can think of for now to try in this case, because I think you’ve described really good troubleshooting so far.
My V4 (which is out of reach of anybody) over the peak of my garage did the same thing the other night After it went off-line for the better part of the day for an unknown reason this camera still showed up in my device list and showed it as having a strong connection to the 2.4g wifi. I was able to reconnect it last night but I swapped it with another V4 I had that is easier to access. I wonder if anybody else has had this problem…
Yeah, I’m not sure how to check on iOS, but on an Android device I also go into the phone’s Wi-Fi settings to make sure that the phone itself is actually attached via 2.4 GHz and not 5 GHz (I’m using the same SSID on both frequencies). Cam OG can’t attach to a 5 GHz network, so it might help (I’m speculating here based on my experiences connecting other “smart” devices) to make sure your phone is connected to your Wi-Fi on the 2.4 GHz frequency when you attempt setup.