Wyze Buds cannot answer or end phone calls?

I hope I’m wrong and just an idiot for not being able to figure it out. I know these are cheap but really? Please tell me I’m wrong.


I haven’t used mine since summer (currently using the Pros), but I thought I was able to answer calls without digging out my phone. A quick search showed that the support article says that you can answer calls with them:


I think you should be able to single or double-tap the earbuds to answer a call.

Worst case scenario, you can always ask the Voice assistant to answer or hang up, but I’m pretty sure I’ve answered and hung up on calls with the non-pro ear buds (95% of the time I don’t answer calls though).


Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately either this feature has changed or does not work with my earbuds. I got nowhere after an hour with a chat agent. Apparently they don’t know how to do it either.


OK, I’ll try to remember to test it for you. I am a little swamped with work stuff tonight, so if I haven’t responded within a day or so, feel free to remind to to test it out if nobody else has yet (I won’t be offended at a reminder, though hopefully I just remember on my own when I’m back near where I left them).

I am definitely willing to try to figure it out for you. I’m pretty sure I got it to work this summer when my wife called me. If I can’t figure out it out, I will be passing on some feedback to Wyze employees about this, especially since the support site says it’s possible.

What phone model and OS version are you using by chance?

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It’s working now. Firmware update then only right side would work (answer/end calls). Reset twice, now they both work (answer/end calls). Funny that 2 chat agents had no clue how to do it. Being so cheap it’s hard to get too mad. Thank you carverofchoice for the follow up and willingness to help.


AWESOME! About 15-20 minutes ago I retrieved mine and they had no battery, so I plugged them into power and was just getting ready to test for you when I saw your message. I am so glad you got this working! I’m still going to pass on some feedback that the support article wasn’t clear on how to answer or hang up phone calls for these.

I appreciate you following up with saying the firmware update and resetting them (twice) got it resolved. It will be helpful to know to suggest that to anyone else.
