This has happened before, maybe a year or so ago. Beta is Beta.
I forget the exact conditions but after one Beta update virtually all my data was sucked up in a day.
Make sure a mod sees this.
(Do to Covid 19 I’m virtually out of the active Wyze community, I’ve extremely slow upload speeds, sometimes < .5Mb)
If you’re experiencing this, could you please upload a screenshot of your data use and submit an app log? I’ll get the information to the team member looking into this. I will need you to post the log number since I don’t have access to that system.
It looks like it’s still happening, but I believe is just the result of the many false detections resulting from the new detection zone bug. Once they fix it, things will return to normal.
This is correct. I have recently switched back to the non beta app. This was to test the new AI detection features. The mobile data leak is not present in this version of the app. WYZE please find out what fix has escaped your beta code branch and patch. I don’t think it’s very good to expect your beta testers to pay for extra data just to help you out.