Thanks for responding. Yes, my notifications setting is the same as your pic. I have tried the toggle solution without any luck. I get events on the Wyze app, but can’t get any notifications on my phone. I’ve also tried uninstalling/installing my cameras, as was suggested. After uninstalling my outdoor cam, now it won’t sync with the base. So, I have an outdoor camera that was showing video before I uninstalled it. Now it’s useless.
If you have any other ideas, I’m willing to try anything.
| IL1
December 1 |
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If you’re having notification issues, it would be great if you can post what you have tried, so we don’t repeat what you have already done. Do you have other iOS devices? If other iOS devices are receiving Wyze notifications the issue is most likely with iOS.
Here’s a post I made from before when I had iOS notification issues:
Another notification thread Cameras
Does your iPhone notifications setting for Wyze look like this? [image]
I doubt your settings have issues but somehow by toggling the settings sometimes it does something magically within iOS and it works again. Hope this helps.