Turned on vehicle and person notifications. Have a camera looking at my driveway, and it is constantly spamming me about vehicle detections, even though the car hasn’t moved. Is there anything I should be doing to not be notified after the vehicle stops?
Welcome to the community @yaroz
Basically when the camera senses motion in the area you are watching, it will send the video to the AI servers for processing. If it sees a car, person or any other AI items you selected, it will notify you of that. Does not matter if the object was moving or not. It saw something which triggered detection and then Alerts based on what you want.
I believe Wyze is working on a Method where the AI can determine if the Car was moving in order to Alert on it.
The Region of Interest (RoI) around the moving object should be what is investigated for object classification, not the entire image, in order to avoid notifications of parked cars when branches are blowing in the wind… Takes far less CPU/GPU utilization as well.
I think the majority of us agree. I am a community member as you and provide support as needed. I have heard that Wyze is looking into a method to only address the area’s which has changed and not the entire image.
Wow, the earlier posts on this were 2021! It is now 2024, and the current app still DOES THIS!!
This is an ongoing pain in the … AI is missing the I. We need work on detection zones and was is falsly claimed to be A ‘I’.
Think Wyze is still working on this? Or is it fixed already and I just didn’t get the notice? …I came here looking for advice on the spamming AI detection since tis the season for front porch packages. The constant notifications for the same package that Amazon left on my front porch an hour ago that hasn’t moved does get a bit much where I start thinking about muting my front door cam… but then that would defeat the purpose wouldn’t it?
I don’t know if they are working on it but some hope AI could somehow treat the package as part of the envronment after it stops moving (arriving on the scene).
Seems they haven’t figured it out yet. Unless a beta member can tell us otherwise.
That sounds like a decent idea as long as they keep in mind people/humans can stay really still for awhile and ‘could’ become part of the environment too.
Interesting, but they will have to move at some point thereby setting up the alarm.
If your wife sunbathes in front of the camera and doesn’t move, great. You won’t be notified. If she moves,alarms go off. Same with dogs, cats, cars in the driveway. No movement, no alarms.
Understood. I’m ready and willing to test. Because so far, these notifications, not just for packages on the duo cam doorbell (DCD) are driving me a little bonkers.
I just came to the forum to look for a resolution to this issue and already responded to a couple of threads in other sections complaining about the exact same thing.
I don’t know when this started, but I just noticed the long string of “vehicle detected” events every few minutes as my car sits parked in my driveway.
Clearly, for things like packages and parked cars, we are interested only in changes - ie there was no package and now there is (or no car in the driveway, and now there is).
If some lighting change, bug, leaf or whatever triggers an event I don’t need to be alerted that my car (or package) is still there. (However, if its gone…)
Based on threads I have read in the last few minutes, I’m far from the only user with this issue. Please Wyze, we need a fix!
2025 and this is still the main reason why I want to drop wyze, which is sad because I was an OG funder and have stuck it out through thick and thin.
This is what my current UX has been like for the last few months:
- I get soooo many notifications about the car parked in my driveway that I had to turn off vehicle notifications
- I get 20+ false positive a day about people when there’s no people at all. It has trained me to ignore wyze notifications altogether.
- I’ve had an intruder on my property twice where they stole something from my driveway and neither times did Wyze recognize it as something to flag, I had to manually scroll through the video feed to find it.
So this is my question:
Why should anyone continue to pay for camplus vs just buying the biggest sd card I can and going it old school? The notifications and “AI detection” provide zero value and create a negative experience with false positives.
I want to support Wyze. I constantly send my event reports back to help it improve. But after years of continually degrading UX and the constant increase in cost, the trend is showing me a dark pattern…
Someone give me hope!
I feel your pain - endless notifications of “person detected” from every snowflake - getting tired of submitting “nothing” in video feedback - that coupled with totally missing people walking through the cameras field of view with everything set to max sensitivity, and 90% failure on pet detection has me ready to give up…
Can you post one of these events videos that had a person tag but didn’t have a person in it? Curious to see what it might be thinking is a person.
What’s funny is I just got an ad email about a new camera AI that will describe what is going on in the recorded video but they are unable (or unwilling) to write a function to prevent me from getting spammed with these messages about my car in the driveway every few minutes. They added a “mute” function but what’s the point of that? If I didn’t want notifications about who is coming in my drive, I would just turn off notifications. So dumb.
I have ‘shared’ so many ‘nothing’s’ that I am giving up. Light changing that it says is a person. Tree waving that it says is a person. Car driving by, out of the detection zone, that it notifies on. Motion out side the detection zone, that it then notifies me about my stationary car in my driveway. Detection zones are a joke. It’s really a pain. If I didn’t have so much invested in wyze, I would jump ship, but insitead I sit here hoping for improvement.
Also, you hid the delete button on events, which just makes it more difficult to delete it, even after sharing an event. Who’s bright idea was that? Try testing with some power users, or just ask them. This change like others would have been an easy ‘no’.
False detection has definitely been getting worse over time. I don’t usually report the bad alerts, but it’s getting so frequent I’m doing it more and more. (no changes to my cameras, or my yard, by the way. …or where I park my car!).
When I saw the email about the new AI detection software I just laughed.
My guess is that barely perceptible changes are triggering the cam to re-analyze the scene more frequently, and every time it does it says “look - there’s a car!” or “that pattern of shadows looks a bit like a face!” … or whatever.
I can’t explain what makes it miss obvious things like a person walking across my front yard though.
AI certainly has potential, but right now it feels like we are all beta testers.
Technology is like that with a lot of things.