Wyze App is stuck on Wyze Vacuum

Due to a power failure at my house, the internet went down for about an hour and therefore everything (including the wyze vacuum) went offline. After the internet came back up, the wyze app works as it suppose to. Live update of the vacuum, no more stuck on the main screen.
Try to unplug your router, so the vacuum goes offline for a couple minutes and see if this fix the problem.

Thanks. I found out a solution before the update (see my post at the end). Since the app update the vacuum works flawlessly. No complaints as of now. :smile:


Had a similar issue but it seemed to resolve itself upon recharging and a reboot of the app

while very happy with the hardware, the software seems to be in beta

@markus.saelzer Good to hear. Verify you’ve received the firmware update before Jan 20th. If all is good, check off ‘solution’. :relaxed:

The prime minister wants to be able to pick vacuum up and put it in the room she wants to clean it when she wants to clean it without the app

I also wish it would have a notice when the dust bin needs to be emptied… (if it has one I have not heard it)

:rofl: That is a god idea, add it to the #wishlist Wishlist - Wyze Forum
Maybe when Alexa is integratted w/vacuum, the prime minister can order it around. :laughing:

rebooting the router did not work for me.

There is another f/w update just released 01/18/2021:

firmware update 1/18 v. .97 seems to have fixed it. at least so far. thanks

Did the firmware update last night, app still says “cleaning” and vacuum is useless.

Welcome! Forgive the dumb question, just verifying if you are sure the firmware update completed. the first time i tried it would not do it. i had to manually push the home button on the vac to put it in charging mode before it would complete the update. otherwise, hmmm?

I am positive, the machine even said “firmware update complete”, as well as the app stated the same. I also checked the firmware version in the app and it is the latest .97. I also took the vacuum off the charger this morning, and pressed the home button to get it to return to the charging station, it did so and stated “charging”, but app still says “cleaning” and won’t do anything.