Wyze app cams have wrong info

The app shows that there is a pan scan feature for my wyze v4 and outdoor floodlights does anyone else have this issue? Because it will not let me turn on record to micro. S d card record sound, it won’t let me use none of those features

I don’t remember details but someone a day or so ago also reported seeing pan controls on a V4 camera. So it’s not just you. Likely some combination of app version, camera firmware, maybe phone type and OS version. Please post as many details.

Have you updated to the latest app? The release from today might fix those things.


Just to add to what @Omgitstony indicated, what you’re describing was discussed quite a bit in the app v3.2.5 announcement topic, and the apparent bugs resulted in the v3.2.6 app release only 5 days later, so I’d expect an update to the latest app version to resolve your issue (if it hasn’t already).

Welcome to the Forum, @huntfamily98! :wave:

Is this the thread you remember?