V3 and V4 camera's and SD card

Went to check my cameras this morning and all my version 3 and 4 cameras it turned off recording to SD card it shows multiple settings for IR light and it turns off the sound anybody else having problem? And yes I have tried restarting them multiple times after turning on record the SD card and sound.

I noticed this with my Panv3s. In my case it is cosmetic, they are recording to SD fine, and turning it on just causes it to turn back off. If I view them in the old app, the switch is on.

So check your SD card, they are probably recording fine. There have also been reports of stuff like motor controls showing up for non pan cams.

Thanks will check it out

What actual app version are you using? Update to the latest version as it has a fix for your issues.

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I agree, I had the issue on a few of my cameras. updating to Android app version corrected the issue.

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I have app version 3.2.5 The new version is it available yet on my phone yet for some reason probably tomorrow I’ll get it.

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