Wyze app 3.2.6 - Released 11/19/2024

I told you so :grin:

Apple is just as bad as WYZE. I just updated to iOS 17.7.1 the other day and now it has 17.7.2 available to load. :laughing:

That is a security update, there are no new features for iOS 17 since 18 is out now.

It just hit Google play.

A cursory look.

App still crashes when clicking on WBCP from Devices or non grouped in Favorites.

Advanced Settings now looks ā€œrightā€. I have not tested functionality.

Iā€™m semi happy.


Weā€™re almost there!!   :partying_face: :tada: :frog:


Updating now. Thanks.

Looks good so far. :+1:

This version still crashes, but for a very specific camera.

Iā€™m testing a BCP. When itā€™s not in a group and itā€™s in ā€œDevicesā€, clicking on it crashes the app.

When itā€™s either in a group, or itā€™s in the ā€œFavoritesā€ tab, it works OK. So thatā€™s my workaround for now.


I guess we should get some logs ready. Iā€™m going to hold off for a day or so to see what others find.

Battery Cam Proā€™s live view is still not working on my Android phone and tablet. The 3.2.6 update DID NOT fix the problem. I have dozens of Wyze products - cameras, bulbs, smart plugs, sensors, vacuums, watches, etcā€¦ Until resolved, I wonā€™t be obtaining more Wyze devices, if ever.

I have that bug. Thereā€™s a simple workaround; either put that BCP in a group, or put it in ā€œFavoritesā€.

The update seems to have fixed the app crashing when selecting single camera from favourites page on iOS.

I see no issues on my app.

Does Wyze freeze changes over the holidays?

Works fine for me.

I like the update to the device icons. They stand out much better now. Iā€™m still crashing when opening a Battery Cam Pro from the favorite menu though.

I think the app feels faster when opening cameras too. Not sure though.

Is the BCP in a group? If not, try grouping it.

It is in a group and I can access it there. It crashes when I access it via a tiny icon on the favorites or directly via the devices list.

I always have to go to the group it is in. I can go to it via a favorites group as well.

I think thatā€™s a server-side change. I donā€™t yet have v3.2.6 installed on any devices, but the icons changed even on my phone and tablet running v2.50.9.512. To me, it seems weird that the camera group shows an older model Cam Pan (rather than something newer), and the lighting group icons seem like theyā€™re lighter colors.

If/when they get around to a global dark mode, itā€™d be cool to have icon themes that match the userā€™s chosen light/dark setting.

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That will be a cold day in hell :rofl:

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Iā€™ve got 3.2.6 (592) and now I canā€™t download video clips from my cameras. Either after watching the reply or from SD card replay.

  1. Cam Lite Person filter is still an issue on Wyze Android app v3.2.6.592. When I press on it, it prompts me to subscribe as shown here. Wyze iOS app v3.2.6.1 confirmed to be working fine.

v3.2.6.592 issue
v3.2.5.591 issue
v3.2.2.586 issue
v3.2.1.581 issue
v3.2.0.580 issue
v3.2.0.b576 issue
v3.1.5.569 issue
v3.1.0.564 issue
v3.0.5.558 issue
v3.0.0.519 okay
v2.50.9.512 okay
v2.50.7.487 okay

  1. A bug from Wyze Android beta app v3.1.0.b560 which @smellslikeMI and @K6CCC reported still exists in this latest Wyze Android app v3.2.6.592. No issue on my iOS devices.

Whenever I try to record a clip on my Cam V3, it only saves an PNG image of when it stopped recording in my Gallery. The video clip is no where to be seen. Only when I force close the Gallery app and open it again does it finally show the video clip.

FYI, I can still see the video in the Wyze Android app and select a camera > More > Album or when I access my File Manager and go through Internal storage > DCIM > wyze > cam v3 > manual. For some reason it wonā€™t even show the new video on ā€œrecent filesā€ even on my File Manager until I view the video or rename it, perhaps it is a Samsung Android system only bug? Weird.

Below is the list of Android app version which exhibit this issue.
v3.2.6.592 issue
v3.2.5.591 issue
v3.2.2.586 issue
v3.2.1.581 issue
v3.2.0.580 issue
v3.2.0.b574 issue
v3.1.5.569 issue
v3.1.0.564 issue
v3.0.5.558 okay
v3.0.0.519 okay
v2.50.9.512 okay

Cam V3 FW:
Wyze Android app: v3.2.6.592
Samsung Gallery app v14.5.08.0
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE on One UI 5.1 (Android 13)


Are you on an iPhone? Iā€™m on an Android (Pixel 8 Pro, running Android 15). I tested downloading using both of the ways you tried and both downloaded just fine with app 3.2.6 (592).