November 24, 2024, 6:22pm
I believe what’s being described is something that has been discussed previously:
Cam Lite Person filter is still an issue on Wyze Android app v3.2.6.592. When I press on it, it prompts me to subscribe as shown here . Wyze iOS app v3.2.6.1 confirmed to be working fine.
v3.2.6.592 issue
v3.2.5.591 issue
v3.2.2.586 issue
v3.2.1.581 issue
v3.2.0.580 issue
v3.2.0.b576 issue
v3.1.5.569 issue
v3.1.0.564 issue
v3.0.5.558 issue
v3.0.0.519 okay
v2.50.9.512 okay
v2.50.7.487 okay
A bug from Wyze Android beta app v3.1.0.b560 which @smellslikeMI and @K6CCC reported still exi…
Tried to save videos to phone from V3 SD card recording. The thumbnail show up in gallery immediately but video took many hours before showing up.
Any idea?
Up until about 3 weeks ago I was able to save videos to my phone but now am unable to.
My set up
Wyze Cam V3
SD card installed so can view playback
Latest firmware on V3 (
Latest Wyze app from Google play
Latest firmware on Samsung Galaxy S23
When I try to record video from either playback or “live” the video gets saved into the Wyze album but not onto my Android device.
I am able to take pictures which saves to my device. I also see a screen capture image of when I t…
I have 2 Wyze cam V4s, and when I first git them, they worked exactly like they were supposed to. I have them monitoring an enclosure for a nocturnal animal that I want to get video of, so the most important thing to me is that I’m able to access the video on my phone and download or pull it off of the SD cards. I would go to events, click on the one that I wanted to see, then use Record to save it to my phone. It worked great! Then there was an update. Since then, when I click Record, it looks …
If you’re using a Samsung device and their Gallery app, then you may want to try @grapefruityoda ’s workaround:
It’s a weird bug, but I don’t know if it is an issue due to Samsung’s Android system update or Wyze app update. It only happens on Android too as iOS works fine.
I only have Cam V3 so I don’t know if it applies to other cameras. The current workaround I found for Samsung Gallery:
Press recent app and swipe up to close Samsung Gallery
Open Samsung Gallery again and scroll up. If you don’t scroll up then video won’t appear for some reason.
Unfortunately, an image will still be saved in the Sam…
I haven’t been able to reproduce this issue, but I don’t use Samsung mobile devices. Apparently the video is actually being saved, but there’s a glitch that seems to keep certain apps from seeing it when the video and the thumbnail have the same file name.
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