Wyze app 3.0 - Released 7/24/2024

It cannot be that hard to change light text on nearly light background to something more readable.


Definitely need to fix that…like trying to read the text on timelapse downloads. That drives me insane.

My previous comment was limited to allowing themes so people could choose whether they want light or dark mode. That can be difficult to set up.

Both modes should be made to be readable though :sweat_smile:


I think it can, and @carverofchoice’s explanation makes sense from an organizational standpoint.

One way to think about it is a document that you create in a modern WYSIWYG word processor. You can go and change elements individually—making the text of headings larger, in a different typeface, and with bold or italics; changing the same kinds of text attributes for each individual subheading in the document; individually bulleting items in a list; etc.—or you can define (or use predefined) element types and then apply styles to the types which are then translated globally, which is a lot less work…especially for large and complex documents. If someone handed you the document where it was created with all of the individual changes rather than using styles, and then you were asked to make a bunch of significant changes to the document to meet a particular need, then you would have to track down and change each thing individually rather than just tweaking the styles that are applied to different element types.

That might be overly simplistic, but I think it might be an apt comparison.

What @carverofchoice is saying about “themes” could be likened to “styles” in such a document, as well.

Part of my problem with the app situation is that it’s not just a text problem: It also affects graphical elements in a problematic way. I can only imagine how bad the experience is for someone with a serious visual impairment.


Is app 3.0 rollout halted? I still don’t see it in my playstore update yet even though I have disabled auto update for this app.

real estate in the favorites view is precious.

cams currently take way too much … way too much…

if we can toggle them to just name, and/or have 2-4 cam view screens across that is much better use of very limited space (real estate) :thinking: precious…

thanks for update


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This is exactly why they should have started the app from scratch instead of modifying the old code. IMHO, would’ve been much easier, maybe longer to release the app to the public, but less headaches.


This was more my wish, and really, has been from the start of using WYZE cameras from version 1s before any other controllable device was added to the chain of things now available. There have been issues with the app in terms of utilizing the devices’ native handlings of viewports and orientations and colours etc, and especially with readability of fonts and such. The colours and sizes do not conform to ‘any’ standard for color contrast or visual impairment at all.

With regard to tablets…well, landscape has always been an issue for both Android and Apple devices. If one (a programmer) conformed to say, Apple’s HIG (which translates to Android as well) then they (the programmers) would not be digging a massive hole for themselves, or indeed future programmers on the team.

I realize it can be difficult programming for this app when it has to hook into so many devices now, but, it wasn’t even ‘gold’ when it was ‘just’ cameras. Frankly, I am very irritated with this complete lack of listening to users, and this complete lack of respect for them as well. This app is almost unusable for me now with extremely slow load times of cameras and it’s constant switching of resolutions of said cameras.


I couldn’t have said better myself. What is also irritating is if you set the camera resolution to let say SD on one device, such as iPhone and go on another device such as an iPad or another phone the resolution of said camera is a different resolution. It seems as the resolution is device dependent.

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Very good points @rodger.werner a d @habib

I concur with your summations.

I am beginning to wonder myself. Maybe the multitudes of negatives had an influence?

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iOS version "

playback on v3 camera of night footage has much more pixelation and ghosting.

timelapse function, doesn’t work 6 out of 10 times, you click on the option nothing happens, you have to go to album, then back to Timelapse , and then it goes into the screen and you can set your times.

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Just looked now on July 29 4PM CDT and the New App is not on the Google Play Store. But after reading these posts, I don’t think I’d want to load it anyway. Maybe it went ‘Back to the Drawing Board’.

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This V3 is absolute garbage. Exactly what we’ve come to expect from this rapidly declining company that’s completely out of touch and ignoring their customers.

We do not all have megabit internet and unlimited data plans.
We don’t want or need to have every camera desperately trying to live stream every time we start the app.
In the old app, this was easily done by having a favourites. Now it’s mandatory!

Are Wyze going to subsidize my rural internet plan that’s only 25Mbps down and 5Mbps up with a 600GB/month cap that includes data both up and down?

Is Wyze going to subsidize my phone plan that’s even worse?

I say again… not everyone lives in places where there’s unlimited fibre connections and unlimited phone plans.

V3 is just a waste of bandwidth for ZERO gain in functionality and features.

Wyze seem obsessed with change for the sake of change and long ago stopped doing anything that actually added value to the end user.

Time to find an alternative.


At 8:18pm EDT, I believe your right.

Cool! So it has RSTP right?

Not a fan… but will keep trying to get used to it… how about being able to resize doorbell views (or any cam view) so I can put them together on one line instead of the huge picture taking up all the space?

ROFL! Good One!!!



It also has some of the SAME ISSUES AS THE OLD APP!

I can’t find a single comment that’s totally positive but the Wyze Nanny is going to make us drink the koolaid whether we want it or not.


Wyze, you’ve made some pretty big mistakes in the past but this one is huge!

If you are listening at all, show some courage, admit the mistake, withdraw the V3 and put the V2 back until you can provide a finished product that actually gives users what we want. Oh and fire everyone in the company that thought this was a good direction and it was the right time to release it! They have proven they are incompetent and unfit to be making decisions.


The updated 3.0 app was auto loaded to my phone last night. I like the new favorites tab, but it’s useless when I have to wait an unusual amount of time for the live feeds to load when you have multiple cams selected. Also since I believe majority of users already have cameras listed on old home page, now device tab, in a favorite order, why not list in favorite as such when you assign rather than make you re-order the feeds?

Except where it is not an option, my cams are set to 360p resolution. Maybe the cams signal going from assigned mesh node to node the cell phone is on causes the delays. Shouldn’t be to the extent I can go make a cup of coffee. I can see every component, app, mesh wifi and cellphone being a factor in this failure.

Think I’ll look into doing a rollback to the previous app version.

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How many devices do you have on the new app? Maybe my minimal eight does not qualify as a valid load. My cams work fine. I only have groups in my favorites. Just curious :thinking:.