Wyze app 3.0 - Released 7/24/2024

@ssummerlin - 21 active cams, no groups. Only designated 8 as favorites.


It’s not just half baked….
It’s not even in the same room as the oven!!

I honestly can’t find one, single, thing that’s an improvement and most “features” are a step backward, are buggy, slow, bandwidth hogs, or just don’t add any value.


@Deach - Looks like we will have to wait a few weeks or months for more comments, but the trending is on the negative side. I didn’t even explore the monitoring tab to see what the multi-view feature had to offer in 3.0.

Big buildup intro with disappointing results. On to the next Wyze improvement for its faithful users.

This is just a personal preference, but for me the monitoring tab is useless. Don’t use it and don’t care if it’s there or not.

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@habib - The views load much faster than on favorites, which seems to be only able to keep 3 or 4 views active simultaneously in portrait screen mode on my phone.

This new UI is terrible. I immediately removed all my cameras from the favorites tab to stop it from lagging and devouring my bandwidth, so now I get to go to the devices tab to see my cameras, except there’s no cached images there, and it’s not able to be sorted in the order I like to see my cameras… One step forward (dark mode), 10 steps back (Usability).


If you’re running the production 3.0 app (not beta), you can sort your Devices list by long-pressing on a device, hold and drag to new location. Same for the Favorites list.


Thanks for that tip, makes it a lot better. Now just really want the cached thumbnails back to make me not want to switch back to the 2.5 version


Dark mode is broken! It doesn’t follow into settings…

Either it’s not finished so why was it released?
It’s badly designed and they just don’t care
It slipped through the cracks and their QA and code control is non existent.

Rather typical of the “new Wyze”,
Rush unfinished and poorly thought out products to market, make excuses and false assurances, then do the bare minimum until the complaints die down and/or everyone is distracted by the next unfinished product.

It’s not finished. Select Light Mode so the app is consistent… like they never started.

Home > Account > App Settings > Theme

Have you actually USED the V3 app?

Your instructions are incorrect!
You state:
“ Home > Account > App Settings > Theme”
But! Home isn’t part of the sequence as it’s simply another tab in the same group as Account.
Also, Your sequence seems to assume that “Theme” is a selection. It’s NOT, its simply a heading on the App Settings page.

If you MUST give ridiculous excuses and work arounds, at least make the instructions accurate.
Account > App Settings then select the option ‘Light’ under the Theme heading.

Forcing the app into Light mode so things are “consistent” is simply one of the most pathetic “solutions” I’ve ever encountered.

Once again, Wyze is showing a corporate culture of releasing unfinished product (you admitted it) and then making suggestions and excuses to make it seem that obvious bugs and mistakes are the end users fault or operational mistakes.

Have any of the complaints and comments in this release announcement thread (and others) been passed to those responsible for the decisions?

Do Wyze even admit that this V3 is a disaster and disliked or absolutely hated by virtually everyone?

It would be nice to have at least an official acknowledgment that the company management know and understand the frustration that the user community is showing about this fiasco.

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I’m glad you found it. :+1:


Looks like the magic number is 4 for actively simultaneously viewing live in favorites. That’s what I have found on my Samsung Ultra. More than 4 and 1 or more will be in loading livestream mode. This is no better than the multi-view feature except the livestreaming changes with the cams as you scroll up and down the list.

If anyone has had better results, please post your experience,

What a piece of Junk for a new app! I thought that the worst new app roll out was from SONOS. This is a very close second.

Really WYZE?


Has this been fixed in the production app? I was just reading this in a Help Center article that you linked in another topic:

Note: There is currently no ability to sort your devices list on the Devices tab, only on the Favorites tab by tapping and dragging.

I realize that was a pre-release article about coming features. As of a moment ago, Google Play Store is still offering me only the app, so I haven’t yet had a chance to try this myself.

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Yes. Both Device and Favorites lists can be now be sorted under both production Android and iOS 3.0.x app versions.

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Dope. I’m looking forward to seeing that. Now if only they’d fix the ordering/organization features elsewhere….

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The new app is absolutely horrific to use. Why are the groups messed up? The entire point of grouping devices was to organize and control the devices as a group, and to make navigating the app easier instead of having 30+ devices displayed in a long list. Now everything is a flat list under devices, in no particular order, with no ability to sort or filter or “group” them as they were before. There is no way to tell which is a group or individual device. The entire Favorites page needs to be scrapped. I tried to put my existing groups on the favorites page (after hunting them down in the egregious, flat, device page) to make viewing them easier, but instead, this just turns off the entire group when you tap on it.

This app is unfinished, and a total disaster. I don’t want to beta test your unfinished mess of an app downgrade. Give users the option to stay on the old version or opt into the new version for beta testing. It is not ready for prime-time and I want my old app back without jumping through egregious hoops of sideloading APKs and such.

I had everything dialed in and configured the way that I liked it, and now everything is messed up and ruined. I seems like the developers at Wyze don’t seem to care about disrespecting end user configurations, usability, or time.


@peepeep - :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

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