Has anyone addressed that while scrolling thru videos on iOS and viewing one, when you close it, it returns you to the very top video every time, then you have to scroll back down to try to find where it was to investigate?
On iPhone 13 Pro, latest update and Wyze camera v3 with latest update
You are correct, I just tested it out, happens on my V3 cams only, not the V3 Pro or the WCO, weird??
Yes. Wyze acknowledged they are working on a fix for this. See this thread and the response from Wyze:
This issue should now be fixed.
Thank you very much for the quick action of getting on these bugs and getting them fixed, it’s not showing up on the App Store yet, but I’ll keep checking
Yeah I was not on any beta version I , don’t know what the deal was , I signed out of my Google account on one device and back in The other day , that did not fix the problem.
The other device I didn’t do anything except check some settings .
I just checked a minute ago and the update 2.43.5 is showing up in the Google play store now On both devices .
I don’t know if it was there yesterday I didn’t check
Update is complete everything seems to be fine
Apparently I never got the 2.43.0 version from 7/6/23 but skipped to the one just released today, 2.43.5, strange
I was thinking that’s what happened!
So weird that you skipped the previous one. I guess keep an eye out for it happening again. I haven’t seen anyone else report that yet for Production, but it will be interesting to see if it’s more than an isolated hiccup.
At least getting the new one released today means things are mostly still fine for you.
Most likely there are people that it may have happened to and they had never noticed especially if they do auto updates
Hi, which event do you see this issue happens? Cloud event or SD card event? Could you please pass me a devicelog along with screen record if possible? Thank you so much!
These are all cloud events, I don’t have SD cards in any of my cameras. A screen record won’t show you the issue. Unless you are talking about a recording of me holding my phone and trying to press the button. Not sure how I can record that. But as I’ve already explained the button on the left right below the scrubbing dot when tapping it to go from 1X, to 2X or 4X it will keep going back to 1X. Others are having this same issue using iOS devices. And it started happening with the this app update, it worked perfectly prior to this update.
Seems like touch area has changed but that box still needs to be larger and lower away from the scrubbing line.
I am having this issue too. It is very difficult to click on the button to change the playback speed of events in the cloud. When I try, it sets the event playback back to the start instead of changing the speed.
Isn’t it interesting how Wyze seems to be under playing this issue. When it’s something they should have caught prior to releasing the update. Then they don’t even fix it immediately. Are they just idiots? I’m thinking they are! Wyze needs to hire programmers that know what they are doing!
Same issue. Rebooted iphone. Very annoying since it render the cmaer useless for any surveillance purposes. I dont have the way to scrub back on the timeline to find the event in question.
Wyze should have this issue fixed in the next IOS App release.
OK, so not a fan of this release so far.
Seems to show offline false positives and also sluggish upon opening now.
Furthermore, why must we now play tug-of-war with the notification tone after updating? Literally reverted to the annoying “app provided sound” after updating AND also after restarting my phone.
Who’s hopped up on caffeine and riding out urges to fix what ain’t broken again?
This happened to me too.
Nokia handset running Android v10.
Exactly! Wyze has the worst programmers ever.
And now they just released yet another product that will also have issues. They really need to stop all the new product launches because they are getting way over their heads, can’t even support the current products so how the heck will they support all this new stuff?!
OK, this release is pure dogpile.
It also crashes immediately upon opening now. Last night it was in such a persistent crash loop that I actually had to delete all storage (again) for it to cooperate… Didn’t bother with just the cache. Tried stopping the service initially, which had no impact.
The comedy of errors resetting the notification tone ensued.
How did this version make its way thru alpha/beta testing to GA ? And why were any of the relatively insignificant changes even needed?
The events 1x, 2x, 4x button press issue seems to be fixed with 2.44.0 (6) for iOS. But now there are new bugs. Seems to be the norm that with each new release there are bugs, which should have been caught prior to sending it out because they are obvious bugs.