Wyze AI for cameras

Can I use Wyze AI for custom automations. like:

  1. Read the number on an electrical meter daily and send it to me?
  2. If the camera is pointed at my oil tank gauge, can it tell me when the gauge at low or empty?


[Mod Note]: Your topic was moved to Wyze AI category for better visibility to Wyze.

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Short answer…no. All AI information comes from Wyze servers and predefined options.


Good suggestions.

Welcome to the Forum.

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Wyze, NO

But there are a lot of “Tank Level Monitors” in the home automation world.

Sinope is one of many that will meet your needs

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Yeah, it’s a shame they don’t let us use the AI for custom things. I would have subscribed to it ASAP. They should let the community use their creativity to use the AI for different purposes.

Can I wirelessly export an image from my Wyze Cam Go so that I can use it with another AI, like Google Lense?

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Personally, I have no idea. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can answer.

If you have no time to look at your fuel gauge, why do you think you have more time to check your camera?

The fuel gauge is at a spot that’s a pain to get to. I have the camera looking at it which made it easy to quickly check. However, if I can setup AI to look at a picture of it daily and alert me when it gets to a certain point, that ensures I never run out of oil accidentally.

Your question is like asking, “Why would you want to make your life easier… Do nothing since it’s already difficult.” Things like this are areas where AI shines.

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How to do you drive a vehicle, without getting to that spot that’s a pain to get to?

OK you want to see your fuel gauge from your bedroom; do you leave the car running all night so the fuel gauge reading is correct?

If AI is able to determine that oil tank is low and provide a notification to such, there isn’t a need to monitor via live stream or static snapshots. I do similar, manually for lots of things around the house… clothes dryer, poor man’s autoclave, humidifier tank level, etc. I have cams facing analog dials and digital readouts. Wyze is looking at this as an AI feature, but it’s not likely any time soon.


But the point here is that unlike those other examples, you literally sit in front of the fuel gauge, right before starting the engine and right before cutting the ignition off. A simple glance and you already know.

It’s not like the water leaking in the washroom because one hardly looks at those places.

Not sure where a vehicle’s fuel gauge entered the topic. I think the OP is referring to a heating oil tank (home heating).

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Sorry, oil tank gauge, I thought he was talking about a car.


No prob. :+1: I immediately assumed fuel oil because there must be 5-10 different topics here talking about heating fuel oil tank level automation. It’s winter. Monitoring is either a manual pain or an expensive add-on electronic gizmo. :grin:


I agree with the above: short answer is “No” or more accurately “Not at anymore” now that they got rid of Smart Vision this month. That would’ve been an official way to do it.

Unofficially, you could run a 3rd party rtsp converter such as docker Wyze bridge. Then run the camera stream through either a custom detection program like Frigate or an LLM AI API (cloud or locally hosted). To save on costs you could even program something like home assistant to take a snapshot of the rtsp stream every x minutes or x hours and have it analyzed by the LLM to see if it is “low or empty” and if so, then have a trigger that notified you of such.

So… Possible? Absolutely. But only if you have at least moderate technical skills and the patience to set it up. But all this would not be officially through Wyze but a diy solution.


Thanks, I’ll look into trying this out.


I did a Google search. This might help.
Take periodic screenshots of your camera (with Wyze or Alexa)
and then read the text (eg with python)
and take action???

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I agree with your statement.

That is hilarious. I could see me going off on a tangent like that. I find my humor wherever I can get it. Thanks! :rofl: :+1: