Work Cams with Wifi Needing Username and PW

Most work environments, while secure, require a username and PW. But the app doesn’t allow the username and thus wont connect. Why does the app not have an option to connect to a secure network that requires a username and PW?

Welcome @rbleich

I am a bit confused with the question. Can you clarify some?

Asking because the app does support many security postures as shown in the image below:

If you set your device up as trusted, you will not be prompted for a Username or password. you can also turn on Two-Factor Authentication, which is recommended.

Because that is an OS thing…check your wifi settings on your phone. Now if you mean for specific devices like cameras and such, whole other question and not an option.

If you mean your work has a “captive portal” on the wifi where you have to log in, they won’t work with that. You’ll find that with many/most IOT devices.

The network administrator may be able to program a bypass for the MAC addresses of the cams so they don’t have to go through that.