Wired Cameras

Can we just have wired cameras not an adapter, a camera with a Ethernet plug. I’m wiring my attic and have had Wyze for years but the constant strain on my WiFi is crazy with 12 cameras.


It is a good idea for some configurations. Someone mentioned that the cam is not susceptible to wifi jamming when ethernet connected. I do like the idea of freeing up wifi.

Maybe you could buy a bunch of v2 Wyze cams. Seems they could connect to wifi or ethernet long ago.

@Markiter91, there seem to be several Wishlist topics related to your request (ideas to incorporate into different models of next generation cameras):

I would’ve suggested another…

…but I see that you’ve already commented in and voted for that one! :upside_down_face:

If you’re wiring your attic and thinking about wiring in camera connections, then I’m wondering if adding (wiring in) access points might help with the Wi-Fi “constant strain”. I don’t know if it would or not, and I realize that would be another expense. I’m just thinking that if you’re willing to lay the cable and expressing an interest in buying wired cameras, then why not wireless access points? :man_shrugging:

Right now I have a mix of cameras from v3 to v4 all connected with POE through an adapter. When I monitor my WiFi traffic, it is all over the place with the cameras. Additionally even though I have four WiFi hubs (one in each room) there is still the long pause while the cameras connect. If we just eliminated the WiFi aspect connection times in theory should clear up and my WiFi bottle neck will also clear up. Only ready the no adapter request is some of the cameras don’t have access to power other then POE.

Sorry for the wrong thread, I tried to move it but it won’t allow me to. Move it or delete it whichever needs to be done.

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That’s helpful information, so it’s probably not a coverage issue, eh? :wink:

I could buy that. I generally prefer wired network connections for the speed and reliability when I can get them. :+1:

No apology is necessary. It’s a valid topic on its own, I think. I just wanted to suggest other places where you might share your input.

:information_source: For the record, you can flag your own topic (click the flag icon at the bottom of your initial post) and then click Something Else in the pop-up window and enter a message about why you’re flagging, something like “I think this should be merged with [whatever topic you think is appropriate].” This sends a message to the Moderators, and then they can sort it out from there. (Sometimes they do this even before a post is flagged. They’re pretty efficient!) I’m not saying that should happen in this case, but that’s one way to handle it if you do think that something needs to be moved or deleted in the future. :upside_down_face:

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Cam V2s don’t have ethernet ports, That extra (output only) USB port is used to power another camera or a sensor controller.

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You are right. I guess I was thinking about my old DLink Cams.

I had those, too. The cameras gave you local links and you can view the live views using any client application. I don’t know if they have follow-on products.

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The V3s can use wz_mini_hacks: wz camera mods and get POE and ethernet connectivity. I don’t have any solution for V4s or later cameras.

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