Winter Storm Birds

Just some of the feathered visitors I’ve had during the winter storm.

Blue Jay (first one I’ve ever seen at my feeders)!

Dark Eyed Junco (also the first time these have visited me this year…however, there’s usually 10 to 12 in my yard at a time).

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Male Northern Cardinal

Female Northern Cardinal

House Finch

Carolina Wren


Don’t they know it’s too cold to be hanging out with you at this time of year? They’re supposed to hate cold weather as much as I do.


I haven’t even filled the feeder in the yard. It’s too cold for me. I do throw out a big helping of birdseed into the yard from the front door, though.


I thought about doing this, but wasn’t sure how it would turn out, especially this time of year with snow covering it soon.

They usually clean up the birdseed by the end of the day, and I throw out more before noon every day. Once I have a path clear for me to get to the feeders (or more realisticly when everything thaws), I’ll fill them again and hang some suet, too.

I added a couple videos to the post, I left off the dark eyed Junco and female Cardinal accidentally the first time.

What’s all that white stuff on the ground? Only 63 and sunny today here :snowman: :laughing:


My folks are in Florida on vacation for the next 3 weeks and they just sent me a photo of them enjoying a sunny day at the beach. While I’m here where the air hurts my face. :roll_eyes: :joy:


@towelkingdom our resident Merlin Bird Identifier :grinning:

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Not gonna lie, I use that app frequently. It’s how I figured out those black and white birds were juncos. :joy:

I bailed on Wisconsin the day after Christmas for Tucson, AZ. The temps have been dropping below freezing at night for the past week. And only up to the mid-50s during the day.

This is NOT what I signed up for! :cold_face:

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What have the temps been during the day? I know when we traveled to Arizona a couple times during September 2021 and 2022 it was a lot cooler at night, even more so when we were near/in the desert.

Ha, ha, ha, when I immigrated to Canada people warned me that it is cold in winter. My response was, we have winters here, how cold can it be. Boy, was I wrong :rofl:


Illinois is cold enough for me. I don’t like the hot weather, either. 50-75 F is where it’s at for me. Lol

Spring and Fall are my seasons. :joy:


I don’t mind the hot, it’s the humidity I hate. Love late Summer and Fall.


I used to be ok with dry heat but after my surgery last year I just cannot take any heat. Humidity is far worse though. Found that out the hard way when we visited New Orleans last September.

I can handle the heat better than the cold now that I am considered ‘elderly’

When I was in the shop, the sweat trickling down my forehead bugged me the most. There were days the air powered tools were almost too hot to hold.

Same here. They are calling for -20ºC with windchill tomorrow. I don’t plan going outside unless forced :slight_smile:

No matter how light a physical work is, I sweat quite a bit. I also hate sweaty clothing on me, so whenever I work, especially outside I go shirtless and wear a baseball hat to soak the sweat of my head.

Yikes! Only experienced 5○F (-15○C). That was during a furniture move in Maryland.

Currently 81°F outside.

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I think your math is wrong. 50ºF equals 10ºC not -150ºC :grinning:

I think he means 5 degrees F and -15 degrees C (I don’t know if the conversion is right, I’m not doing all that). Lol