Wildlife detection for Cam Plus

OH and all that looks beyond overwhelming cause it is, but there is a discord where the creator/developer, and people like you, are in there 24/7 to answer any question you have, literally within minutes if not seconds. And the feature list grows, quite literally, daily. Scrypted is unrecognizable from what it was a year ago, and a year from now, I can only imagine…

And it’s not just video. Scrypted automates my lights, my Wyze garage door opener, it shows who is at the front door on my TV, etc. Honestly, HomeAssistant just gets in the way, I don’t even use it anymore, it’s an unnecessary layer and more work, that Scrypted can do all on it’s own.

A lot of this is not google-able since like I said it literally adds features by the day, and it’s so far ahead from what it was even months ago, that ChatGPT knows nothing lol. (Also because Discord doesn’t show in google results).


Love your “Live” Demo !!! Very few errors (maybe the red car tagged as animal was because it was Mustang?). Can you provide a link to Scrypted?

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Oh it’s not mine lol, I’m just a fan. And it really is live, from Seattle. The dev/creator of Scrypted has it running at his house, and that “demo” is just a live interactive feed. https://www.scrypted.app/


Thanks for sharing! That is helpful I am now convinced to try Scrypted as soon as I setup my server, at least for camera stuff.

I didn’t even realize before today that Scrypted did stuff with lighting and sensors automation and everything else that home assistant does. It’s hard to believe it’s on the same level when home assistant is one of the all-time most successful and active open source projects, But I love the competition and will certainly look into it more now.

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It’s still new, everything Scrypted, is, but with the dev support and the discord, you have a crazy strong community. Right now with automation a lot of mine are shell scripts and javascript, which were entirely written for me by GPT4, I can’t code. But the fact that you can take a motion sensor and just have it trigger any script you want is just… well it’s HA lol, but HA needs Scrypted more Scrypted needs HA – in MY use case. Every setup is different obviously, and 99% of people would still use a layer in addition, but for all my Wyze/ Alexa / Tplink (and tapo and kasa) / Google (and Nest) / IP Cams, I really don’t need another layer as of a few months ago. But again, 99% of people won’t just drop HA / HB, at this point.


Add ANIMALS to list of detections

I want to ask if Wyze can add a new detection category. Only available one for animals in general are “pets” We do not have any pets, but we get a lot of critters. Like Deer, coyotes’ possums’ rabbits, bobcats etc. Maybe Wyze can add “Animals” because right now I have a lot of pet “critters” listed.

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Deer for sure, that’s reasonable, and a lot of models can capably do that. But coyotes, bobcats, etc, AI/ML vision just isn’t there yet. You could train your own model hypothetically, on animals that you have and don’t have, and that might work decently well. But to distinguish dogs from coyotes , especially at night, AI is a long way from that, on a global, ubiquitous level.

Id be happy to have a catch all-Aminal! In reality…it doesnt matter to me, but there has to be a reason why Wyze even asks me what triggered the recording so…

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Id be happy to have a catch all-Aminal! In reality…

that is not an unreasonable thing to ask of a model; if it’s not a above X% confidence as a “domestic pet” but it is if X% as “animal”, it is “other”. that is a realistic and reasonable ask.

cause they like the feedback and keep giving it, give even more of it, but they don’t use it as training data… and thank god cause just go to r/animalid and see how many people on reddit have “just taken in this sweet little lost dog”

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Now that we have the Wyze Bird Feeder, I believe you should add ‘Bird’ as a video tag when users submit clips for research. I I think using ‘Pet’ is too general.


Sound reasonable to not mis-identify squirrels.

I totally agree. We are working on it.