Why does reset services change notifications?

Yes, I understand this is working as per the documentation. The question is WHY?

I have to do Reset Services frequently, because the app keeps messing up. And when I do that, it changes all my notifications and I have to manually fix them. Why on earth does that happen? Make it stop.

You could make a shortcut automation to “reprogram” your effected cameras so that you do not have to go into each camera individually and change the settings back after a reset.

Hm, I’ve reset services a few times (as a troubleshooting step, but it never ended up being related) and it has never changed anything with notifications… Odd.

Maybe there is something else corrupted with your account/settings and that is just re-downloading the corrupt settings.

I’ve used Reset Services quite a few times and it changes all the customized events/ Smart Detection to ON. I just have some cameras set to Person/Pet. but if I reset service it changes to Person/Pet/Package/Vehicle. :sweat_smile:


Ah, must be because I don’t have cam plus (in which case who knows if reset services even does anything for me). My setting all stay the same.

Reset services is for cam plus :rofl:

I’ve seen claims that it can also re-synch settings and automations. Whether that is accurate, I don’t know. Sometimes in troubleshooting I’ll hit, can’t hurt.

I have Cam Plus and what Antonius described is exactly what happens to me.

I only have one camera, and that’s not an answer.

I’ve always used “Events Only” SD card recording, but sometimes I see that setting flipped to “Continuous”. I wonder if resetting services causes this, too.

With Wyze, it’s hard to pinpoint things, they always mess up :joy:

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It is another person trying to help you with a possible workaround, and you respond with attitude? Apparently it is expected behavior (reset means reset) so there’s your answer.

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Do you happen to know if hitting Reset has the same effect for Cam Plus users of the Android app? Another common thread between your experience and that of @pmichaeleicher seems to be iOS. :man_shrugging:

I only have iOS devices, no Android.