I used to get some recordings within the same minute but I no longer see those but seeing a big gap between recording on the same camera like 5 to 6 minutes. That has misled me so much that there’s nothing happened within those minutes. It happened on all 6 of my indoor Wyze cams. I have an outdoor cam being shipped on my way too. I just wonder if this is going to be the same. Does anyone see this problem or am I the only person seeing this problem?
That’s a very big deal that you don’t want to miss any event in this big gap.
I’ve seen that at least once in the last week. Had an Amazon delivery that was captured and recorded locally. I went out about 2 minutes later to bring the package in and nothing detected or recorded. A few minutes after that my neighbor walked by and that was recorded.
This is just one instance where I know the failure occurred - but would not be surprised now if it happens more than I would like.
There is a 5 minute “cool down” period and a 12 second maximum clip length between events on the free cloud motion capture. You can eliminate both the 5 minute cool down and the 12 second limit by subscribing to Cam Plus… And/or you can use an SD card in the camera and set it to record continuously and you’ll capture everything locally for free.
As you said the ‘cool down’ period and 12 second limit applies to cloud stored events only. The video I know is missing was (rather should have been) stored on the local SD card where neither limitation applies. Definitely a problem.
That is incorrect - I regularly get multiple clips recorded because of ongoing motion. In the attached screenshot from my phone there are 1 minute clips recorded at 6:30, 6:33, 6:35 and 6:36.
The 5 minute cool down never affects the SD recording, because that function is completely separate.
If your SD card recordings are set to events only ,it will record whenever there is motion, when set to continuous , obviously it will record continuously
Thanks raym64 for this info. I was not aware of this before because it’s the basic feature of the cameras that we all purchased then for. While seeing what you said here, I did some research and found out what you said is correct with 5 minute “cool down”. They have been working fine with that basic. I guess I didn’t realize when Cam Plus was there that took away this basic feature that we all have been paying for at the beginning.
After looking through the Cam Plus features, Wyze is actually robbing all Wyze cam users here. They should only add to and on top of the basic feature and call it Cam Plus if that’s what they want to make something out to get users to subscribe for extra cost. But they should not take away the basic feature that we all have been paying for initially and originally for. That’s not the right way to do business. From the Cam Plus list of features, I don’t need anything out of that other than just this basic feature called “Cool Down”. Of the many other brands of cameras I have used before and still using, none of them take this basic feature for extra charge. If this is what they do, I need to get refund for all my Wyze cameras or they revert this basic feature back!
Wyze is not taking away the basic features. The five minute cloud recording cooldown has been there since day one… You want continuous recording, put in a uSD card and set it to continuous recording. Person detection was not there originally, and has come and gone (3rd party licensing issue as I understand it).
What feature are you claiming that they took away?
The basic feature that I am talking about is the 5-minute cool down. I have been using the Wyze cams for almost 2 years now. I have one Wyze cam in my garage that used to capture multiple recordings within one minute when I was working in the garage. And I have one by the front door that capture 2 recordings before: when the mailman started walking toward my front door to deliver mail and when he walked away (he stayed looking for mail longer than a normal drop off). Now, the recording would miss the mailman totally when I opened the front door to pick up a package and then the mailman came within the next couple of minutes.
I don’t know when they started to have the Cam Plus out but I definitely did not notice this issue before and I was able to capture all events as expected until now that I only see the gap and missed events.
I have sometimes noticed (and posted about) successful multiple event recordings within 5 minutes. Just because they sometimes mess up and allow you to get extra events doesn’t mean you’re entitled to them. The deal has never changed - and lots of people wonder how they can afford to even do the 12 seconds / 5 minutes for free.
SD failure is another story. As others said, that should work. (I have had no luck with SD cards on these cameras.)
Thanks for pointing things out. I have wondered that too at the beginning when I started trying out just 2 cams and found that I was happy with them because I got what I needed on the basic feature of capturing detected motions w/o limit and 12 second is all that I needed to know what’s happening w/o gap. So, I started buying more cams and other things from them in a way to support them. I can say I had been able to consistently get multiple recordings within a minute or every minute continuously w/o any gap like 5-6 minutes that I am seeing today. And that’s on all my cams. That’s the reason I kept buying more cams and never had to use SD cards for the reason. Unfortunately, I’m still strongly saying that they have taken away this basic feature to add to Cam Plus.
Of course I have no more proof now to show this because their cloud only keeps the free recordings for 2 weeks so while this basic feature was no longer available for some time. Wyze can clarify that I’m wrong if they have never taken this feature away.
Curious what sd problems you have had? I’ve been planning to get micro sd cards for my indoor cams but have not yet done so. I planned to get them for my cams I’m using in between my inner/outer windows looking outside.
Just to clear anything up, Wyze has had the 12-second video, 5-minute cool down since day one, even before Cam Plus or its previous incarnation Complete Motion Capture. The SD card however will record continuous or all events in their entirety.
The cloud events (12-second, 5-minute cool down videos) are found in the events tab at the bottom of the app. The SD videos are found by going to the cameras live view and clicking on ‘view playback’.
Although some people get by with low quality uSD cards, especially if you plan on continuous recording, get cards that are designed for video recorder service. I have been using SanDisk High Endurance without a failure. The first few cards I bought were SanDisk Ultra (not High Endurance) cards and most have failed - as did the two Wyze branded cards.