Where is vacuum backer reward?

Still waiting for backer reward.
I got an email that V3 camera would be shipping beginning Feb. 19-20 and no update since.
Emailed support which didn’t offer anything other than “we’re working on it”.


I was literally just going to post the same question. Is shipping really that hard? I mean I realize Wyze just became a company yesterday.


I received the same email and have the same question. Has anyone received their V3 backer reward?


Nothing yet here. Becoming very disappointing being an early product backer.


Still don’t have mine either.

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Nothing here

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Jimmy sent out his weekly shipping information tonight and for the second week in a row he didn’t say a word about vacuum backer reward v3. Last time mentioned was Feb. 18th when he said they were being shipped out that weekend. That didn’t happen and something tells me with the no response we all are getting, we might as well not hold our breath about getting them.


No backer reward here either.

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I am told they will be shipping soon and you will get a shipping notice when it does

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Nothing here either…

I reached out on Twitter and they confirmed that I am still getting it and that it will be shipping soon.

Define “Soon”.

I would just like to know how they came out with a big announcement shortly after that email on Feb. 18 that they got more V3’s in stock (limited) and we are still waiting. I’d better not hear that they filled new orders instead of taking care of backers first.

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Well sorry to tell you, but they did. I ordered a V3 on Feb 22 and got it this Monday. But still haven’t seen my free one yet.

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And Wyze lock was to have Google Assistant integration “soon”. Close to a year since, and still no Google support. It would appear that “soon” is double-speak for “I have no idea, perhaps never”.

I just got an email saying my V3 has shipped and $0 for shipping.


Mine is on its way as well!

Yep, I ordered 2 V3 cams and they showed up. Still nothing on my backer reward.

Sorry to say, but it begins to look somewhat like a Ponzi scheme variation. Using new preorders of constantly new product introductions to pay off and ship older existing orders. When you do this with investment dollars it is fraud and is a punishable offense. The Amway Products company was accused of this in the past but was never convicted because there was a real product involved, not just dollars.

Wyze should be aware of customer perception and take care of their promises and support before chasing new products and business. I appreciate that they do provide a reasonable product at a more than fair price, but sometimes their silence on an uncomfortable subject leads to dissatisfaction in their customer base.

I still have no word on my VE camera reward.