When are we going to get some stability updates?

It’s possible, my friend. They just released a new beta, so I intend to try it out. If all goes well, we should be getting those updates to the public soon.

As I said on discord, most of your connectivity issues you’ve been explaining are giving me major Xfinity issue vibes. I had all those problems with Xfinity…I basically never have those issues since switching off Xfinity/Comcast and getting a good router along with it.

Sometimes I think XFinity sabotages connectivity on purpose. I don’t know that for sure, but in my years with having them as my ISP, it was a connectivity nightmare, and their router and bandwidth usually say they’re only rated for something ridiculously low like 4 devices total.

Having been in your situation, I am pretty confident Xfinity is the primary issue here…it was for me…drove me absolutely insane. I blamed Wyze early on, then magically Wyze never had issues after I totally ditched them and got a good router at the same time.

I touched on my experience with everything I found to make a difference with stability/reliability here:

Regardless of any of that, there are things Wyze can do to help improve things and I do believe some of the devs I’ve been talking to who assure us there are some good improvements coming out in firmware to help those who have been experiencing some issues. I hope they do make a positive difference for you when they get released.