I am trying to access the events my cameras have and can not because I keep getting this POP UP saying “Get Motion Event Videos Back For Free” I have tried to dismiss this and tried to opt in but this notification keeps popping up. All I want to do is review the events that I keep getting notifications for.
Are you currently subscribed to Cam Plus or Cam Plus Lite? If not, you will be sent an image of the video, but no events will be provided in the Events tab. If you have an SD Card, they will be found there. If you have an SD Card, you can get to the SD Card by Clicking on the Playback button in the Live Stream.
Here is a video on how to subscribe to Cam Plus Lite for Free. Once you subscribe, you will need to associate your camera to the Cam Plus subscription you selected.
Thanks for the help. I am currently a Cam Plus subscriber for my outdoor camera but do not want this service for the 3 indoor cameras. I just want to see the events. We have SD Cards in all 3 indoor cameras.
Anyway, I also did what the video suggest and assigned the to cam plus lite and now I get a pop up saying Missing Event Videos to assign cameras. All are already assigned.
Just an update. Today, everything is working fine. Thanks so much for the help.
Same thing with me
I am a cam plus lite user and have all cameras assigned and am seeing this issue. All cameras, all event videos. Can someone fix this? I have to hit dismiss every time I open an event video.
Can you check in Account > Services > Cam Plus Lite that all your cams are listed there? If so, please submit an app log with Account > Wyze Support > Submit A Log and pass the 6 digit number along to wyze support. you can also post it here incase anyone sees it.
It is a disjointed Wyze service support system if user has to submit the log number to Support again.
One would think if a log is submitted, Wyze Support should examine it and help fix the issue. There should not be any need to go to call, email support again. IMHO.
Wyze gets hundreds of logs everyday, and they are only used to get info relating to an issue. Thats how they know what the issue was, and who to contact for more info.