I subscribe to Cam Protect and know Wyze intends to phase this service out and no longer allows new subscriptions. A key component of cam protect is the ability to “train” the assigned camera using the smart vision feature. Unfortunately, that feature has suddenly been removed from the Wyze app and I can no longer modify or control the training of my assigned v3 cam.
I have submitted a log with ID# 1729306 assigned.
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I noticed it disappeared when they released the new app with “Wyze Intelligence”.
I am not totally sure if this was intentional or if they forgot to add the Smart Vision inside the Wyze Intelligence Tab like they did with the Friendly Faces tab, but I think that is when it disappeared.
I just confirmed that Smart Vision is still working on older versions of the app.
Personally, I think you should submit a support ticket about this and tell them it looks like they accidentally forgot to include the Smart Vision feature with the latest app update because it still works on older app versions so the feature hasn’t actually been canceled, it just didn’t get moved into the new Wyze intelligence tab with other adbanced AI features like the Friendly Faces did.
Let me know what they tell you. I will try to report this to some employees, but I think it would be very effective to get this officially logged in their system tracking with a support ticket.
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Finally got thru to a live support agent to discuss the Smart Vision deletion and my submitted log id. After disappearing from the call for about 10-12 minutes, she returned with a response that it would be elevated for review (hopefully to tech/developers) and I should receive an email response in 2 days with the results of the review and the next course of action from the review. (Some of this is paraphrased.) I made sure the issue was clear and agent pulled the log and reviewed my comments.
So I guess I’m on hold pending the 2-day email reply. I’ll post if and when I receive the response.
Awesome. Yes, please keep me updated. I also did share the issue with a couple of employees, though I don’t necessarily expect to hear anything back directly in this instance.
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Surprisingly, I received an email from support within an hour plus requesting screenshots from Account pages which I took and returned immediately. This gives me some positive vibes.
Stay tuned!
It did not take long to kill my positive vibes. I received an email response that indicated Wyze knowingly removed Smart Vision as a product improvement measure. I was advised to take my concern and post it to the Forum Wish List. I will probably contact Wyze and cancel my annual paid subscription for Cam Protect and request a refund of my remaining unused months.
Product improvement by removal of a feature??? 
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If you do…
I can pretty much guarantee the Tier 1 support will be required to tell you that they don’t do refunds (it is the official policy)…they may offer you a limited discretionary consolation of a small to moderate gift card…so you will have to let them deny you (please be nice about it, it’s not the rep’s fault for following policy and procedure they are bound to and may not have the authority to make overrides or discretionary calls of this magnitude…) and then kindly say you understand they are limited and ask for a supervisor and be clear to them that this is obviously an extenuating circumstance that is clearly their fault and that they violated the service agreement by changing what you purchased and signed up for and agreed to. You paid for services that included Smart Vision and now they are making you continue to pay for something which they are not providing, and for that reason they owe you back for the remaining prorated amount of service they are not providing which they promised you at point of sale and are no longer honoring. At least that is what I would do. If I was a rep that got that call … I used to work Customer Service and I would’ve gotten an override for your situation to credit you.
Please still be nice even if they still refuse you. If none of this works, and you were nice about it…then please tag me and post your support ticket number and I will figuratively to go war on your behalf over this.
I don’t see anyway they can’t issue a refund in this situation. From my many years in customer service (including supervisory and training roles) this is a clear case to me.
@ssummerlin - Yep! I couldn’t wrap my head around that one either.
@carverofchoice - I can be over-the-top nice. Not good in the confrontational arena. In my work life before retirement, I often had to advocate from both sides of the aisle at the same time.
I expected that to be the case with you (that you would be respectful). Nevertheless, I often say this to people because some people mistakenly think that if they get angry and mean and threaten that it means a company will get scared and try to give in to them, but that’s not the case at all. It often makes all supervisors immediately throw out all possibility of discretionary solutions. They will still solve issues that are cut and dry, but go out of their way to punish a person for being mean. I had many situations in Customer service where I would use every ounce of discretion and influence with managers to get exceptions for people who deserved it, but if someone was abusive, I would use every ounce of discretion to make sure nobody in the company would ever help them with anything whenever possible in the hopes they’ll just go away and be another company’s problem since they cost us more than they’re worth anyway and the sooner we made them leave us, the better and the more money we’d actually save in the long run (compulsively tying up support lines with constant abuse, etc can actually be expensive and not worth keeping someone). And in a case like this, I think there’s a good case to get higher ups to agree to this issue even if you were mean/abusive, but it’s a hundred times more likely and opens up more channels with discretionary options if the interaction is obviously a respectful and reasonable user using good logic. You have a great case here, so I want to continue to feel good about putting my reputation on the line to fight for you with the contacts I have if it comes to that.