What an opportunity!

I happen to sell these cameras at my work and found the opportunity to start a side job installing the cameras.
I don’t offer to who I sell them too after showing my cams but use my electrical guys to sell them to the customers and then contact me.
My customers are now selling them for me to their friends and I am very busy installing several homes each week!
The side hustle is now turning into a profitable business, luckily I retire in less than two months and can do this whenever I want.
Thanks Wyze for constantly bringing in new affordable cams and subscriptions! I am replacing Vivant cams becasue installing new cams and your subscription pays for everything in about a year.
Keep up the great work guys, I started with the v-1 and loving every minute!


I don’t work for Wyze, but it is good to hear good news.

Good luck in retirement and in your ventures.

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Thanks for the greetings.
I posted this because it is a great way to make side money with this great product.
This may go really big for me, I owned a business in the past but got burned by the market and had to have inventory, I now only provide labor and an easy sale using the examples of my cameras.
Many very happy customers, I grantee any future issues and explain having to reset routers more often. I have a printed step by step of any issues they may have.
Some of you may want to look into,
Great side hustle

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Congratulation on your upcoming retirement and I am glad to hear you are excited about your side business. I retired this year and look at retirement a little different. I found these “Bill_Retired” videos and they resonated with me. I know not everyone will agree with his philosophy on retirement because they will have time to be super busy with things they like. Regardless of how you feel, congratulations again on your upcoming retirement.


Hey UABDad

How many cams have your customers on average? What’s the most common camera installed?


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Wait until they have problems. Better hide your address and phone number.

Let him live his dream. Hopefully he will evade the issues like I have, except for the bulbs. :grinning:

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