There are definitely a lot of different things that can affect connectivity issues.
HOWEVER, if you are able to stream fine at night, and only having these issues during the daytime, I would conclude that the primary issue is likely NOT your router, but is mostly likely an issue with the app code that Wyze should be able to fix. I would thus wait for Wyze’s fix to be released to Beta and then see if that resolves your issue before you take any other drastic action such as looking into other routers, etc.
Nonetheless, if you’d like to explore some things I’ve found to make a difference back when I was experiencing connectivity issues, consider reading this post I made about my journey through finding out what helped ME with improving my connection issues to the point where I almost never have any connection issues anymore (warning: it is a pretty LONG/thorough list of things I found to help my situation):
Again, I highly recommend not taking other drastic actions until Wyze’s update comes out. Wyze has confirmed the app itself is the main issue for people experiencing this particular streaming issue.