Web View won't let me assign cameras

When I am not working I use one of my monitors to view all my cameras on Web View. This morning all my cameras had a lock icon on them.

Clicking on the lock takes me to this screen:

Going into account there is no way to assign the cameras.

Tried Safari, Firefox and Chrome, same results. Interesting is that Events work fine, just not live view.

What is going on?


I use the Web view once a month just to see if works, I just checked it and all 10 plug in cams show up and work. I thought if you add a new cam and have unlimited it automatically got assigned, all of mine did?


They were working fine last night. It all started this morning as if I am being locked out from my account.

I thought you cancelled it, did it expire or did they just shut it off early?

I did cancel it and it doesn’t expire till May. Maybe they shut it off early but I can’t assign the cameras back to CamLite. Never a dull moment with Wyze :upside_down_face:


Hi habib On your screen shots, the top of screen which usually has a purple pull down menu, is not visible. When you click on it, does it list the locked cams? If you hit ‘Clear’ then it should show all your cams.
Above the WYZE tabs there is a ‘lock picture’ followed by my.wyze.com I can’t reproduce this on several browsers. What browser is being displayed here?

On the 3rd screen shot, Account shows none of cams are assigned and the Red message should show “Unlimited Cameras Annual Plan — Web subscription” instead of “undefined”.

You may have to open a support ticket to clear this up.

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CamLite is gonzo. Once a cam is moved out of CamLite it can not be moved back. When the last cam is removed, the list will disappear and there is no option to activate CamLite .

Yes it does, I went through all of the usual.

The screen shot is from Safari but as I said, I tried it on Chrome and Firefox, same results.
What is weird is that the events on the Events tab are working fine :thinking:

I was hopping not as we all know how efficient Wyze support is :rofl:


That is not true. The Cam Lite is there until you cancel it. Just recently a fellow member @WildBill reasigned all his cameras back to Lite after his Unlimited expired.


OK then :ok_hand:, don’t cancel it. There isn’t an option to resurrect :latin_cross: this service. :cowboy_hat_face:


I’m not that stupid :wink:


I was! :upside_down_face:




This is my experience with CamPlus Lite. If you have Unlimited, all cameras get assigned to that subscription. You CANNOT move any of them to Lite. I cancelled Unlimited and, after that subscription completely closed after the expiration date I moved all my eligible cameras (which is all but one) to Lite. If you cancel Lite, you’ll never get it back. Wyze kept offering to “help me” by wanting to cancel Lite while I had Unlimited, but I never took them up on that kind offer.



That red Cancel subscription button is so inviting :rofl:


My GF has red hair and clicks on everything RED. :heart_eyes:

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I just contacted support, let see what they say.

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Did you talk to HIM :laughing:

Yes I did and outright I told him that I don’t like to talk to bots and open a ticket for me. I received a ticket by email from him. This was one of his paragraphs in the email: “You are asking about your Wyze Cam Plus subscription and mentioned that you prefer to create a ticket for support rather than using chatbots.” :rofl: