Web Connection Keeps Failing despite good internet


All thirteen of my cameras keep failing connection in the App and the Web view. The lights will occasionally be blinking blue. I’ve hard reset all of them. Some will connect briefly then disappear again. In the webview I get the message “Web Connection Failed” with an option to reconnect. I try that and I keep doing the “Submit log” buttons as well.

The internet here is working and strong, my router shows them all connected. Despite that, I did reboot the router.

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Looks like your outside connection to the internet is suffering. Try rebooting the modem so it can renew it’s lease.

Just did another power cycle of the router and modem - still nothing, It’s intermittent on what camera is working.

All other devices I own that are on the network - Echo, Google Home, gaming devices, computers, phones, thermostats (not Wyze) are working fine. Internet is at 759 mbs downstream and 40 mbps upstream. Internet provider is not having any issues. I do currently have a VPN on. I get the same result when I connect my phone to data.

A couple of my Wyze switches and plugs are also not responding.

Weird and frustrating. Support just had me unplug and plug everything back in again.

I’ve received an error 3005 and 20006 at times.

After another call, I decided to power cycle my entire house by shutting down the main breaker to the house. Left it for 10 minutes, turned it back on. Waited for everything to come online. All devices are working except the Wyze devices.

Nothing about our network has changed, No issues from my internet provider or my cell service - same issues on both.

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Something is definitely blocking your Wyze devices initiating a handshake with Wyze servers. Sometimes firmware updates from ISPs can introduce new firewall rules/security that can cause the issue. ISPs push those updates without warning. Check your router for something similar to enhanced or strong security and see if you can dial it down. Also, search the forum, there have been similar issues in the past.

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I am having exactly similar issues since last night and tried everything OP has tried and still cameras are off. Because I have too many cameras, for redudancy purposes I have connected half and half to 2 different internet services/routers, still not working. Is there any solution to this?

P.S. As I spend more money with wyze the quality of service has degraded big time. I have more than 40 devices. What a waste of money if the cameras are not working when we need them the most.

There are many users with more than 40 cameras. Maybe they can give you some advice.

Would need a lot more info on your setup and how you’ve segmented the two ISPs etc, but I’d be leaning more toward your phone/app potentially having an issue (have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling the app or seeing if it works on a different device)?

For a test maybe try another router, so to speak…

If you have access to 2 smartphones use one in hotspot mode to be your router.

Then use second smartphone to setup camera and run app.

Obviously you will need the weaker hotspot closer to camera but as a test it could help rule out the cams on another Internet source.

They already tried 2 ISPs on different routers…

The original poster is not running 2 ISP’s

Maybe you need to read entire post :rofl::joy::rofl:

Get your “headspace” out of the Defender of All that is Wyze :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

OP posted 9 days ago, the recent discussion is about a different person’s issue.

If you reply to a particular comment then we’d know you’re 9 days behind and ignore it.

LoL Dave the Wyze Expert has Spoken :rofl:

So now you’re the post moderator :rofl:

And the Defender of All that is Wyze, did you get the Wyze cape for your outfit?

FIXED. Thanks to everyone who responded.

Not sure how this had caused but apparently all my cameras had lost the Wireless IP setup/connection.

My solution:

  1. Check if your internet connection is working via different devices.
  2. Check you wyze app, make sure it is the latest version. uninstall the app and re-install the app.
  3. Unplug your router, wait 30 seconds. Plug it back in. Check your Wyze devices.
    4)Unplug your Wyze devices, wait few sec. Plug them back in. Check your Wyze devices.
  4. Reset your wyze devices, start the new configuration via your Wyze app. Add your device, use your wifi setup that is working, Check your wyze device. Most likely this should solve the issue.

Suggestion to Wyze dev team; Allow us to change the wyze wifi setup without physically going to and resetting the cameras. That will be a big help.


You shouldn’t have needed to go that far unless you maybe changed your internet/routers at some point around when the issue started (or some setting in them that the cams had to re-negotiate)?

Step 2 may have ended up resolving your problem, were they still not working all the way up to when you reset them all?

Please see, comment, and vote for (hit the button above the initial post) this relevant Wishlist topic:

Been long suggested.

Except in this case if the cameras aren’t reachable, nothing Wyze can do would work.

Are you going over your router’s hosts limit?

Voted. Thanks.

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