We’re Giving Wyze Person Detection to All Users at Whatever Price You Want - 1/11/22

The flaw in your argument is that they are NOT open source. They are a for- profit company and God bless them for that;however, they cannot act like a patreon /open source company with their hats in their hands one day and act like a startup seeking to disrupt the industry the next with a questionable business model.

They sold a product with no uncertain terms that said you got 12 second clips of cloud storage and even person detection in the xnor days. Then they took those away and want to frame it as them giving it to us and then making us feel like beggers by having to go through the process of saying we don’t want to pay them again.

If they want to go the open source route then go that route and accept the rules of that path. If they want to be a closed for profit business then honor the terms you set to start with. It is in fact deceptive to do so otherwise.