WCO not able to record all cams simultaneously? I've been SKUNKED!

My WCOs have not every really performed up to expectations and since I didn’t really have them in critical locations, I ignored their numerous faults (Wyze first adopter no more).

Recently, I’ve been trying to trap and relocate a skunk on our property, so I took three of the WCOs and aimed them all at the trap. One is on the ground, the other two are on a four foot wall, fore and back of the trap about seven feet apart. So they all have close to same view of the ground around the trap. The cameras never record the skunks motion simultaneously. Never 3/3 almost never 2/3 and almost exclusively only one recording randomly from one of the cameras. Note they all have CamPlus subscriptions. Which also isn’t working properly, but that’s a whole other CamPlus issue Wyze CS hasn’t resolved for me.

Perhaps the WCO Base Station can’t record simultaneous streams from multiple cameras?

Wyze CS had me manually reflash all 4 WCOs and Base to no avail (they also had me send logs) and actually WCO 4 is now recording 20-40 7-second videos from one motion event (even with CamPlus).

Since I was a first adopter of WCO perhaps they’ve improved later versions and this is a situation like my PanCam and my Watch44?

I asked Wyze CS for a refund, store credit or RMA for new HW, but they’ve gone silent (again).

What are your cameras sensitivity and detection settings at? Able to provide photos of the setups? I would for troubleshooting have your settings set to max sensitivity and distance, and once this is working we can back them off later.

I would also watch this video, then test your cameras to see if they act the same, and we can go from there.

The Sensitivity and Distance are both 100%. I’ve tried various combinations but it doesn’t resolve the issues. Note the video does not explain the action of the Distance slider and how to set it for various scenarios.
Event Recording is set to No Cooldown and 5-minute recording.
All 4 notification sliders are “on”.

My Driveway WCO (with CamPlus) took 28 7-second video events this morning from 5:40 to 5:47am as I briefly rolled past the camera for my bike ride. When I returned up the driveway and then rolled out the garbage can, it too 63 7-second videos.

It captures me in the first video leaving for the ride but completely misses capturing me on the return back up the driveway.

The trigger time on these WCOs must be 2 seconds as they miss A LOT of events or don’t capture the actual motion at the start of an event.

The WCO’s simply don’t work, not to their published claims or in actual customer deployment (especially with CamPlus activated). That’s 3 duds Wyze has stuck me with: WCO, PanCam and Watch44. The only item that works well most of the time is the Robot Vacuum.

I’ve lost faith in Wyze and won’t be purchasing further product experiments.

I realize this thread is old… but I just wanted to say for the record that o have the same problem of cameras not recording events simultaneously and only recording short clips that regularly miss the important action.

I have 20 Wyze v3 cams with camplus on all. They are all at various points around my house and property.

I bought them because the price point was right and I wanted to watch over the house and property and I’ve got kids and a pool and pets-- it enabled me to watch my kids in the pool from the kitchen preparing snacks, or let them stay home alone for short stretches and see where they were or what they were up to- or keep an eye on a naughty dog while we are out of the house.

For live monitoring I’ve been pleased. But I too had a critter issue- raccoons- and wanted to find how they were getting into the garage. I’ve also wanted to catch which cat was peeing where she shouldn’t. Or tried to catch my kids on camera getting into something they weren’t supposed to. I also have people come to the house to do work frequently and I want to know where they are and what they’re doing. And if a stranger shows up, I want to catch them on the camera.

All of these things have happened, and I’d say 9/10 times the recording completely misses the event of interest. I’m left to infer what happened from the video snippets I got- I see the cat or kid or stranger in the general location around the time I think said event happened, but the video cuts off before I watch the act I wanted to actually see. This is a big fail in my book, if someone stole something from my porch for example, my cameras would never catch them if they were fast enough.

In addition most cameras overlap a bit in their view of a space from different angles, so in theory I should be able to catch said even on more than one camera. But I never do. Never. One camera is clearly recording them the next one starts when it stops. And it is usually the wrong one by then.

I should also note that I have everything connect to 1Gig internet and have no trouble streaming 4k video to multiple devices simultaneously so I somehow doubt that my internet bandwidth is the problem.

So this has been a win for live monitoring, but as far as security when I’m not there to watch they are fairly useless.