WC3 and the Bridge

My new camera came to day and I got it installed just fine.

However I didn’t think of something. The camera I replaced was the camera that had the bridge to the contact. Now the contact will not work because I am lacking a way to install the bridge to the new camera. How are people getting around this?

Welcome back @MikeS!
You’ll have to keep a V2 camera so that you can connect the bridge to that. Wyze had said that there will be a stand-alone sensor hub to replace the plug-in bridge, but no timeline has currently been announced.

I have a v2 I’m using just for the bridge. It just sits there looking at nothing. I can’t wait for a stand alone. Where are people hearing about the stand alone bridge? I’ve seen multiple people say it’s coming but I haven’t found anything from Wyze themselves commenting about it.

I believe it has been teased in recent AMAs, but here is a snippet from the V3 product FAQ page:

Does Wyze Cam v3 support Wyze Sense?
The v3 does not support the Wyze Sense Bridge, but a standalone Wyze Sense Hub will be launched in the near future. You may keep on using Wyze Cam v2 or Wyze Cam PAN to support the current Wyze Sense Bridge.