Stop Water Waste Due to Leaky Fixtures and Minimize Water Damage Due to Burst Pipes
Water is essential to every life. According to published reports by the EPA and Insurance companies, millions of gallons of water is being wasted due to leaky fixtures and millions of dollars are spent in repairs of property damage due to burst pipes and fixtures.
There are many products in market to address the damage caused by bursting pipes. These products are very expensive ($1000 or more) and they do not address the water waste issue. Some of the commercially available products either notify you of leak and some will actually turn the water off if leak is detected or suspected by turning a motorized valve installed in the water supply line off.
My innovative solution addresses both issues at a significantly lower cost, perhaps under couple hundred dollars.
Parts Needed:
Leak sensors with ability to work with Device Trigger Rule
Motion sensors (they already be use with Device Trigger Rule)
One N/O (normally open) motorized valve approved for drinking water usage
One N/C (normally close) motorized valve approved fro drinking water usage
One Wyze outdoor smart plug with two sockets
The device set up is as follows:
Water in ——> N/O ——>N/C——> water supply to home
N/O valve is plugged into socket 1 of the outdoor plug
N/C valve is plugged into socket 2 of the outdoor plug
Socket 1 is energized when device rule triggers it to energize when leak sensor detects leak which will in turn close the valve. This is stop the water flow preventing damage.
Socket 2 is energized when device rule triggers it to energize whenever motion is detected which in turn open the valve. This will provide wate to the house. Using the rule set up choose how long you wish that valve to stay open.
There is no such device in market. This is a patentable proposal from me as an inventor.
![Pasted Graphic.png]()