Watch Face on Website

Is the Watch Face shown on the website under “Details” available? How do I get it?

which version of the watch? 44, 47, 47c?

the 47 does not have that face. you see the faces by going into the app, scroll down to the watch and tap in it. then click edit on the bar where the watch faces are.


Select your Wyze Watch 44. Make sure you are successfully connected to it. You will see some selectable watch faces under Clock Face. Hit ‘Edit’ to the upper right of those. Scroll down to the Color Pointer selection, and choose which color you would like the seconds hand to be. :slight_smile:


Good to know the 44 does have it

Yeah, I’m glad they asked because I didn’t know they added it, lol. :slight_smile:

I have the 47.

Same, so you won’t have that watch face. I have read where you can add the 47 as a 37c and get those additional watch faces. I personally have not done it.

Thanks. That’s what I had read on the Forum earlier but didn’t know if anyone had done it.

Guess I might give it a try and find out.

Well, I tried removing my 47 series and adding it as a 47C. That worked but the face template I wanted - Color Pointer - is not included in the 47C options.

Next I tried to add the watch as a 44. That didn’t work at all.

Guess I’ll just keep what I had.

Thanks for your help and suggestions.

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Nope,I just looked and it’s not here

Thanks for doing all the tests. That confirms what was indicated. Hopefully Wyze can make all the faces available to all watches.