Warning About V1 (not a security problem - a wyze problem)

V1 cameras will continue to work as long as they don’t lose power. If they lose power they will be unable to reconnect and just flash the blue light. Flashing, re-adding nothing will make them reconnect. They will connect to wifi they just won’t connect to wyze.

So wyze stated that the V1 cameras would continue to work just not recieve any updates. They even announced that the V1 would work with cam lite (see we care about our customers). Well that didn’t last very long since wyze has now changed something on the server to make the V1 useless (of course without announcing it). Announce the things that make you look good and ignore the things that screw over your customers.

Don’t tell me they are old, you’ve gotten your money’s worth, buy a V3 (I have them). Those of us who supported wyze in the beginning deserve better.


Completely agree. I have close to a dozen V1s and convinced most of my friends/family to go with Wyze. I’ve tried to support them by purchasing nearly every product they’ve released. This is the biggest slap in the face to early adopters and long time customers.

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