Walk & Chew Gum šŸ«§ Memes: The Best Ever!

Thatā€™s the goal.

Post 'em here as you come across or make 'em! :slight_smile:

Live (walk) and grieve (chew gum.)

If it intrigues, keep watching, if not, click away. :slight_smile:

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If weā€™re talking about Memesā€¦

Half of the memes I made are clowning on my buddy @cyberdog_17 :rofl:

Here is a screenshot of WyzeHaley speaking Wise/Wyze words:

Wyze Wyze Joke GIF - Wyze Wyze Joke Wyze Funny GIFs

Here is @cyberdog_17 admitting that he really wants Android and doesnā€™t love iOS as much as he pretends to:

And I frequently post this one to him all the time just to get on his nerves:

I use this one in May every year:

This one is funny:

This is in memory of the first QR hunt on their website when Wyze RickRolled everyone:

Those are from my Tenor account.


Lol, your guess is as good as mine! Itā€™s a mess.

Did you watch the whole documentary? I can send it to you on DVD if you want. :wink:

  • It intrigued
  • I clicked away
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Haha, thanks, but itā€™s not really my thing. :slight_smile: I did watch several minutes worth and skip around a little to get a general overview. Iā€™ve actually never even heard of ā€œThe Big Chillā€ before. :slight_smile:

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Itā€™s about Boomers. You can never know too much. :laughing:


My favorite of your memes on this platform you laid on me when I was bemoaning no one trusting me here after all these years. It was absolutely perfect. :slight_smile:



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Are Big Chill clips used to Rickroll post-boomers? Seems like a natural.

And a ā€˜making ofā€™ doc would just amplify it. :loudspeaker:

Anything else suited to that purpose? :innocent: :imp:

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Frog in a slow-boiling pot without the pot (and water.)


Still oblivious.



We can't be friends anymore.

I kid. Iā€™ve seen that movie only once, but itā€™s got a classic soundtrack if youā€™re into that kind of music. (Itā€™s my impression that thatā€™s one of the things that movie is known for.)


This is probably my favorite version, though I like that Rick Astley actually performed that with Foo Fighters once. :metal:

Where do I get the ā€œObstinateā€ badge? That seems like a must-have for my collection. Maybe Iā€™ll have to fake make my own:



Obstinate: can I get this badge for purposely Rick Rolling myself on purpose again today and know I will continue to Rick Roll myself in the future on purpose regardless of half of the world saying I shouldnā€™t do that? :joy:


Something like this?


Wishes Granted


Excellent, now if @R.Good or @spamoni ever ask you for this badge, donā€™t grant it. We have long had a friendly competition about badges and such and itā€™s nice to have a leg up on them with a badge they donā€™t have yet.


Yeah, notice itā€™s been granted to others ZERO times. :wink:

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Very Nice! :+1: Both iterations!! :+1: :+1:

Open source, public domain, save image as, you know, use freely. You probably werenā€™t asking literally but there you go. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I was just massaging the infrastructure. :grin:

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